
Display and Manage Tabular Data

Check out these latest VS.NET add-ins, including a Windows.Forms Tree/Grid control that manages data and helps you display, manage, and manipulate tabular and hierarchical data.

Don't Include VB6 With VS.NET

The recent petition from a group of Microsoft MVPs notwithstanding, it would be a mistake to incorporate a version of Classic VB in a future version of Visual Studio.

Update on Visual Studio 2005

Microsoft provided an update on Visual Studio 2005''s progress and features at VSLive! Las Vegas last week.

Tap the Power of Inherited WinForms

Mix inheritance and Windows Forms to solve recurring UI-related problems.

Support Classic VB

Microsoft's support for VB6 expires at the end of this March. Karl Peterson explains why he is behind a petition to extend support for the product.

Manage Localization of .NET Apps

Learn how to localize your applications easily with this robust localization and resource-management tool.

Create a .NET Agent

Save time by creating an extensible framework for a .NET agent. The framework offers a dynamically configurable job scheduler and notification service.

Books: Integrate Large-Scale Apps Successfully

Enterprise Application Integration Using .NET shows you how to overcome the issues and obstacles involved in integrating enterprise-scale applications successfully.

Print Simple Reports With GDI+

Sometimes all you want to do is print the simple report you're already showing. Learn how to use GDI+ and the .NET Framework to print reports.

Master .NET Configuration Files

Master the art of loading and saving configuration files using Visual Studio .NET. Also, learn about planned changes in VS.NET 2005.

Books: Secure Your .NET Apps

The .NET Developer''s Guide to Windows Security helps put you on your way to developing secure applications in .NET.

Convert C# to VB.NET

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that lets you convert C# code to VB.NET at the project or code-snippet level.

ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 7.5: Generate Help Documentation

Every program needs documentation of some type. Plus, first looks at GridEX Control for .NET, more.

Let Users Save From ASP.NET

Export the content of your ASP.NET pages to standard Office document types to avoid having to create separate reports.

Create and Distribute MSI Installers

Wise for Windows Installer 6.0 is a development solution for creating setup kits that use MSI technology.

What's Next for Tablet PC

Peter Loforte discusses Microsoft's vision for Tablet PC and the future of mobile computing.

Create Self-Validating Controls

Learn everything you need to know to write self-validating Windows Forms controls using regular expressions and inheritance.

C-Sharpener for VB

Check out the latest add-ins for Visual Studio .NET, including a product that lets you convert VB.NET to C# and vice versa with 99-percent accuracy.

Increase .NET Performance Using Threads

Increase your users' perceived performance of your .NET application by using multithreading.

Books: Develop Network Programs in .NET

Network Programming in .NET: With C# and Visual Basic .NET shows you how to accomplish network-based programming in .NET using well-known protocols or ones you create yourself.

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