
Report: TypeScript Pays Well, Projected for Huge Growth (C#, Not So Much)

Technical careers specialist Dice dove into job posting data to chart the salaries associated with popular programming languages, finding that Microsoft's TypeScript fares well in both accounts.

C#/WinRT Authoring Preview Unveiled

Microsoft unveiled a preview of authoring support in an update to the C#/WinRT tool used to help C# developers more easily work with interfaces to the Windows Runtime, the underlying infrastructure used by Windows to expose its APIs.

Microsoft Opens Up Old Win32 APIs to C# and Rust, More Languages to Come

Microsoft is opening up old Win32 APIs long used for 32-bit Windows programming, letting coders use languages of their choice instead of the default C/C++ option.

Uno Platform Update Highlights New Linux Support

Uno Platform, an open source project that enables coding single-codebase, multi-platform web, mobile and desktop apps with .NET-centric technologies like C# and XAML, highlighted preview support for the development of Linux applications in a new version 3.1 update.

Kite AI-Powered Code Completion Tool Adds C#, TypeScript, More

Kite, which provides a code completion tool powered by artificial intelligence (AI), has expanded the number of programming languages that it supports in IDEs and code editors like Visual Studio Code.

C# Slides in Usage Ranking of Programming Languages

"The fact that C# lost three places in the ranking of language communities during the last three years is mostly explained by its slower growth compared to C/C++ and PHP."

Uno Platform Ports Windows Calculator to Linux

Uno Platform has ported the famed Windows Calculator, open sourced last year, to Linux as part of a continuing "proof point" effort to demonstrate the reach of what it describes as the sole UI offering available to target Windows, WebAssembly, iOS, macOS, Android and Linux with single-codebase applications coded in C# and XAML.

Now Out: Uno Platform 3.0 (C# + WinUI), Previewing Linux Support

"Our vision is to enable you to develop pixel-perfect, multi-platform applications using C# and WinUI," says Uno Platform, which recently announced it's getting closer to that goal with the new v3.0 update.

Move Over XAML, Xamarin.Forms Now Does Markup in C#

Although C# markup for Xamarin.Forms has been available since Xamarin.Forms 4.6 (it's now at v4.7) debuted this spring, it was just "introduced" on the Microsoft Developer Blogs site by creator Vincent Hoogendoorn.

C# Steps Up Programming Language Popularity Ladder

Microsoft's C# programming language climbed a year-over-year notch on the TIOBE Index, which measures popularity among developers.

Build Developer Conference: What's New with C# and F#

Microsoft provided updates on its flagship .NET-centric programming languages, C# and F#, during this week's online Build developer conference.

New 'Source Generators' Stir Up the C# Crowd

Who knew there were so many C# library authors out there? New C# Source Generators unveiled in preview by the .NET and Languages dev team immediately garnered a lot of interest in the .NET dev camp, with more than 100 comments tacked on to an introductory post.

Data Clustering with K-Means++ Using C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains the k-means++ technique for data clustering, the process of grouping data items so that similar items are in the same cluster, for human examination to see if any interesting patterns have emerged or for software systems such as anomaly detection.

How to Do Kernel Logistic Regression Using C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses code samples, a full C# program and screenshots to detail the ins and outs of kernal logistic regression, a machine learning technique that extends regular logistic regression -- used for binary classification -- to deal with data that is not linearly separable.

Tech Job Report Gauges COVID-19 Impact: Desire for .NET, C# Skills Decreases

Tech careers firm Dice's latest job report attempts to gauge the early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hiring. One finding of special interest to Visual Studio Magazine readers is less desire for .NET and C# skills.

Developer Report: 'C# Seems to Be Losing its Edge in Desktop'

Contradicting findings in other recent reports, a new study from developer analyst firm SlashData shows some decline in the popularity of C# over the past year.

How to Train a Machine Learning Radial Basis Function Network Using C#

A radial basis function network (RBF network) is a software system that's similar to a single hidden layer neural network, explains Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research, who uses a full C# code sample and screenshots to show how to train an RBF network classifier.

How to Create a Radial Basis Function Network Using C#

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains how to design a radial basis function (RBF) network -- a software system similar to a single hidden layer neural network -- and describes how an RBF network computes its output.

TypeScript Among Most In-Demand Programming Languages in Software Engineering Report

Careers firm Hired published its 2020 State of Software Engineers report, examining various topics such as the hottest jobs in software engineering, salaries and most in-demand programming languages.


C# Rises in Skills Report's 'Best-Known Language' Ranking

HackerRank has published its 2020 Developer Skills Report, which shows C# gaining ground in the list of "best-known" programming languages for 2020 but otherwise not showing as strongly as it has in other similar reports published recently.

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