
The following articles come with code downloads. To get the code downloads, click on the article titles, then click on the Code Download button.

Add Custom Controls with Binding Properties to Your Xamarin.Forms App

In an app of any meaningful size, wrapping up common functionality in a composite control reduces the long-term effort needed to craft the app. Learn how to do just that right here.

Integrating Angular 2 Directives

It’s easy to integrate your own attribute directives into Angular 2 templates to pass data from your component to your directive, have it respond to events on your page or even have your directive fire events to be processed by the component using it.

Neural Network Batch Training Using Python

Our resident data scientist explains how to train neural networks with two popular variations of the back-propagation technique: batch and online.

Create Responsive Xamarin Apps with ReactiveUI

Learn how to leverage the open source MVVM ReactiveUI framework, the Observer Design Pattern, ReactiveX and more to make your Xamarin apps more responsive.

Neural Network L2 Regularization Using Python

Our data science expert continues his exploration of neural network programming, explaining how regularization addresses the problem of model overfitting, caused by network overtraining.

Neural Network Momentum Using Python

With the help of Python and the NumPy add-on package, I'll explain how to implement back-propagation training using momentum.

A Filtered View of Core Image

Playing around with Apple's Core Image imaging technology, using some simple C# code to perform facial recognition and apply filters to photos.

Neural Network Cross Entropy Using Python

James McCaffrey uses cross entropy error via Python to train a neural network model for predicting a species of iris flower.

Track Your Fitness with a Fitbit and Xamarin

Wally shows you how to use Xamarin.iOS to create a pedometer app for a Fitbit that employs the CoreMotion Framework.

Neural Network Back-Propagation Using Python

You don't have to resort to writing C++ to work with popular machine learning libraries such as Microsoft's CNTK and Google's TensorFlow. Instead, we'll use some Python and NumPy to tackle the task of training neural networks.

Consuming REST Services from Your Mobile Application Using Swagger and AutoRest

Consuming services is something every application needs to do. In this article, Nick demonstrates how to document a REST service using Swagger in order to make it easy to consume from a Universal Windows Application.

Breathe New Life for Your ASP.NET Apps with Docker, Part 2

Last time, we used Docker to modernize an ASP.NET WebForms app. In this second part, we take a feature-driven approach to extending it and improving performance.

Use Docker To Breathe New Life for Your ASP.NET Apps

Using Docker's lightweight containerization technology, you can modernize and extend ASP.NET WebForms app quickly and safely on the Microsoft Azure cloud. In this first of a two-part series, we show you how.

Neural Networks Using Python and NumPy

With Python and NumPy getting lots of exposure lately, I'll show how to use those tools to build a simple feed-forward neural network.

This R/S4 Demo Might Take You Out of Your Comfort Zone

Let's explore factor analysis again, this time using the R ability to tap into OOP, but we won't use the RC model.

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