• News

    Amazon Cloud Updates Visual Studio Toolkit for VS 2019

    With Visual Studio 2019 dropping tomorrow, the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio has been updated to support the new offering for those Microsoft coders who prefer to work with their favorite IDE in the Amazon cloud. 04/01/2019

  • Managing Page Layouts in Blazor

    Blazor, like most systems for generating Web pages, supports using layout pages for repeated content. Here's what works, what doesn't (yet) work and work-arounds I've discovered for what doesn't work. 03/29/2019

  • News

    What's New in TypeScript 3.4

    TypeScript 3.4 is out with the usual array of new features, of which a new --incremental flag can lead to faster project builds after the first such build 03/29/2019

  • News

    Golang Coders Choose VS Code

    A previous survey of the Go programming language community found that Visual Studio Code barely beat Vim as the code editor of choice, and the new edition shows the race isn't even close anymore. 03/29/2019

  • News

    VS Code Python Type Checker Is Microsoft 'Side Project'

    A new open source VS Code extension called pyright has been created as a Microsoft "side project" to improve on current offerings for static type checking for the Python programming language. 03/28/2019

  • News

    What's New for Python in VS Code

    The popular Python Extension for Visual Studio Code -- more than 7.3 million installs -- received a raft of updates in the March 2019 release, touching upon collaboration, IntelliSense goodness, Test Explorer and more. 03/27/2019

  • Keeping Configuration Settings in Memory

    You've got some "sensitive" settings that you'd rather not keep in a plain text file on your site. Good news: You can keep your settings anywhere you want (in code, in a database) and your application won't care. 03/26/2019

  • News

    Azure AI Enhanced with Cognitive Services Updates

    The Microsoft Azure team today announced several updates to boost artificial intelligence capabilities on the cloud platform, including anomaly detection and object detection in images. 03/26/2019

  • Protect Yourself: Export Visual Studio Settings

    If you've been configuring Visual Studio to meet your needs, you should protect yourself against disaster by exporting your settings. 03/21/2019

  • News

    Material Design Feature Highlights Xamarin.Forms 3.6

    Microsoft's Xamarin.Forms UI toolkit has been updated to version 3.6, removing the "experimental" tag from a feature that makes it easier to implement Material Design look-and-feel in cross-platform iOS and Android projects. 03/21/2019

  • News

    TypeScript Climbs RedMonk Programming Language Popularity Ladder

    RedMonk's lastet programming language popularity report singles out TypeScript as a big mover among an otherwise fairly static ranking of the usual leaders. 03/21/2019

  • News

    Amazon Cloud Broadens .NET Core Choices for AWS Lambda Functions

    Microsoft-centric developers working with the Amazon cloud platform now have more .NET Core choices to handle their AWS Lambda functions for serverless, event-driven programming. 03/20/2019

  • News

    Azure Data Studio and VS Code Power Up PostgreSQL

    With the March update of Azure Data Studio, Microsoft added preview support of the popular PostgreSQL database, along with a new PostgreSQL extension for the Visual Studio Code editor. 03/19/2019

  • News

    Xamarin.Essentials Gets 'Detect Shake,' Other New Features

    Several new features have just been added to Xamarin.Essentials, which provides cross-platform APIs for a variety of device-specific features and functionality in iOS, Android and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. 03/19/2019

  • Managing Production and Development Settings in ASP.NET Core

    The reality is that you will need to have, at least, two different configurations: one for production and one for development. Here's how to automate those conversions. 03/18/2019

  • Routing Razor Pages

    By default, the URLs you use to access Razor Pages are tightly tied to file names and folders in your project -- not something you could call "loose coupling." Fortunately, you can change that. 03/15/2019

  • News

    VS Code in the Browser Project Tops GitHub's Trending List

    Coder Technologies Inc.'s newly open sourced project to provide a remotely hosted port of Visual Studio Code running in the browser has officially become the "hottest" project on GitHub. 03/15/2019

  • Extending Razor Pages

    If you move beyond the basics of working with Razor Pages, there are at least two things you should know to support creating Pages that do more than one thing and integrate with existing code. 03/14/2019

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