SQL Server and SDS

A Simple Data Binding Trick for an iOS App

Display data to a user with Xamarin.iOS and this nifty class.

Install Problems Reported in SQL Server 2014 SP1

Microsoft pulled its SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 after numerous reports of installation errors.

Speed Up Your Application with Stored Procedure and Temporary Tables

Stored procedures can speed up your code by reducing trips to your database -- even if you only have one SQL statement to execute. Here's how to speed up your application (and how to simplify your stored procedure code).

Coding Neural Network Back-Propagation Using C#

Back-Propagation is the most common algorithm for training neural networks. Here's how to implement it in C#.

Azure DocumentDB Goes Live

Microsoft announced general availability of its NoSQL service for developers and IT pros.

Data Platform Needs Foundation, Not Just Planks

As Microsoft continues to offer newer, more innovative data platforms in the cloud, the SQL Server flagship is languishing. Here's what Microsoft needs to do to ensure it moves forward.

Automatic Sorting for Your Collections

The .NET Framework has two collections that will guarantee your items are always sorted whenever you process the collection. Here's how to choose between the two and how to control the sort order (including supporting duplicate entries).

Pink Slip for the Developer Who Slipped In

If you think Bert is all talk when it comes to his decade of C# experience, you're wrong. He delivers…15 times.

Retrieve and Update Entity Framework with Dynamic Queries

You don't have to give up on creating dynamic queries just because you're using Entity Framework. Entity SQL and ObjectQuery will let you generate queries at runtime and still let you update your data through Entity Framework.

Keeping Your Next Developer Job

You don't need to worry about keeping your current job -- it will be gone, eventually. What you want to worry about is keeping your next job. That means developing the right skills to the right level for the package you intend to provide to employers.

Crouching Manager, Hidden Database

If there's one life lesson to be learned here, it's that just because a manager knows how to write code, it doesn't mean that they should be allowed to write code.

Attain Code Management Nirvana via Test-Driven Development, Part 1

In this three-part series, we'll build an ASP.NET MVC application for managing a simple list of contacts, and in the process we'll show some of the direct benefits of test-driven development.

OData 4.5 for Web API, ODataLib 6.10.0 Now Available

New versions of OData and ODataLib were released late last month on NuGet.

DataTyping in TypeScript

The TypeScript approach to data typing is different than what you're used to with server-side languages. This allows the language to integrate with other JavaScript libraries, but the results can surprise you.

A Trillion Events Per Day? Trill Does That for .NET Apps

Microsoft Research-developed "high-performance in-memory incremental analytics engine" plugs into .NET natively to give apps ability to churn through gobs of data in nothing flat.

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