SQL Server and SDS

An Entity Framework Book Worth Your Time

A new book on Code First Entity Framework is a concise, readable guide to the technology.

New Editions and Pricing for SQL Server 2012

One big change is the move from per-processor to per-core licensing.

New Deal Allows SQL to Run in Amazon Cloud

Microsoft and Amazon have agreed on a deal that will allow cheap use of Amazon's cloud resources for SQL Server 2012, formerly code-named "Denali."

Free Databases in the Window Azure Marketplace

The Windows Azure Marketplace has a hidden jewel: a host of free and nearly free databases ready for monetization.

Caching in on HTML5 Local Storage

HTML5 introduces client-side caching for local and session storage. Learn how to boost your app's performance through the new functionality.

Updates in Entity Framework

A primer on how to update objects, including adds and deletes, in the Entity Framework.

Understanding LINQ to SQL on Windows Phone 7.5

The "Mango" update to Windows Phone 7 includes LINQ to SQL abilities. Use them while building a movie review app.

'Denali' Makes Way for 'SQL Server 2012'

Microsoft's next-generation database is expected in first half of 2012.

A CLR Alternative to the SQL Server ISNUMERIC function

CLR functions that perform string manipulation and substring extraction perform very well in SQL Server.

Eliminate Joins by Modifying Entity Framework Models

Peter Vogel explains why adding associations to Entity Framework navigations helps you avoid using Joins.

To Think in LINQ

If you start "thinking in LINQ" you'll get more done with less code, and what you write will be simpler than using SQL.

Can SQL Server Punch Through the Clouds to No. 1?

SQL Azure has become a major pillar in Microsoft's cloud-based strategy.

Using Razor with Visual Basic

Build a Web site using MVC 3 and the Razor View Engine.

Scale ASP.NET Apps Through Distributed Caching

High-transaction environments can use distributed caching to boost performance without major code changes.

WCF: Creating Long-Running Services

Not all business operations finish in seconds. Using Windows Communication Foundation you can still create -- as a single project -- an application that supports business services that take hours (or days or weeks or months) to complete.

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