CodeGear is releasing a rapid application development (RAD) environment for database-driven Web-based applications that supports multiple versions of Microsoft Windows as well as the .NET Framework. The company's new RAD Studio 2007integrated development environment (IDE) supports Windows 2000, XP and Vista operating systems.
Microsoft has turned on the Silverlight.
Group devises a more flexible method of handling policy changes for Web services and service-oriented architectures.
The next beta versions of the products that make up the Windows Live suite were made available today.
New Zealand firm debuts object-relational mapping toolset.
- By Chris Kanaracus
- 09/01/2007
Symantec Corp. boosts .NET features in Application Performance Management platform.
- By Kathleen Richards
- 09/01/2007
Oracle Corp.’s new database involves some a la carte pricing.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 09/01/2007
The vast majority of Java developers who contribute their time and talent to open source software projects labor in obscurity, never getting any useful recognition for their efforts. Mark Kofman and Anton Litvinenko believe it's high time to give credit where credit is due.
- By John K. Waters
- 08/31/2007
Microsoft announced on Thursday that it intends to buy Parlano, a Chicago-based company it has already worked closely with on enterprise communications software.
- By Chris Kanaracus
- 08/30/2007
Although Microsoft didn't mention it in today's announcement about the upcoming release of Windows Vista SP1, the company confirmed today that one of the major changes will be to open up desktop search functionality to competition.
If there's one feature in Windows Vista that's almost universally reviled, it's User Account Control, or UAC. But help may be on the way in the form of BeyondTrust Privilege Manager 3.5.
Whether it involves choice or price, freedom isn't free. This is especially true in the realm of computer software licensing, where the question isn't if one has to pay for program use and development but rather how, to whom and when.
- By Jabulani Leffall
- 08/24/2007
IBM, following the kickoff of its IBM Federal SOA Institute in April, has announced a new certification and training program.
WSO2 has released two new open source products for developers of Web services applications. The company is currently offering its Web Services Framework for C (WSF/C) 1.0 product, as well as its Web Services Framework for PHP (WSF/PHP) 1.0 product.
Levanta is offering a virtual machine version of its Linux life-cycle management product that's similar to the company's flagship physical appliance. The product, called Intrepid VM Linux Management Appliance, is available as a free software download.