In-Depth Features

App-to-Market: Locking In Technology Options for Your Startup

How crucial is the technology you choose to run it and build apps? It almost doesn't matter, as long as your chosen path provides enough options to deliver to customers the solutions they need. We look at the Microsoft stack as an example.

Leverage Real-Time Communications in ASP.NET Sites, Apps with Signal R

In a Q&A preview of her session at Live! 360, veteran Visual Studio Live! presenter Rachel Appel shares her thoughts on the benefits of working with SignalR.

What the Single Responsibility Design Principle Has to Do with C# Best Practices

In this Q&A, highly regarded developer and educator Scott Allen shares his thoughts on coding with C#.

What Makes SQL Server 2016 a Game-Changer

Polybase, Query Store, dynamic data masking, row-level security, and temporal data JSON support -- just some of the new features that veteran SQL Server Live! presenter Leonard Lobel covers in this exclusive Q&A with Lafe Low.

Azure Application Platform: Moving to the Modern Cloud

From VSLive!: Microsoft's Matt Nunn demonstrated some use cases for the modern cloud platform, one that opens up options for businesses to tranform the way they do business internally and externally.

Randell: Put DevOps Into Practice

From Visual Studio Live!, Anaheim: Brian Randell gets beyond buzzwords with a DevOps demo that puts .NET Core and Visual Studio Team Services right in the middle of the mix.

A .NET Developer's Life, or How To Do Production Debugging on the Fly

A case study in swift .NET application debugging using a variety of free tools that can help keep a client happy.

How I Created a RavenDB Python Client

You might be surprised how easy it was to port this NoSQL database for .NET to the Python language.

LINQ Query Enters the Age of Big Data

Integrating distributed, in-memory computing with distributed caching can easily extend LINQ semantics to create important new capabilities for real-time analytics on fast-changing data.

App-to-Market: Show Me the Money

In this ongoing series on turning from developer to startup, we now look at what you'll need to know about funding your idea. So, who are the players you need to bring in and at what benefit?

Emerging Experiences, The HoloLens, and .NET Developers

Natural User Interface expert Tim Huckaby gave a glimpse of some of the more interesting challenges developer face with computing becoming more "natural," including how to control computers beyond the devices themselves. That was the message at his keynote talk at Visual Studio Live! in Boston.

Microsoft's Fritz Describes .NET of Tomorrow

At Visual Studio Live! in Boston, Microsoft's senior program manager in the Developer Outreach Group showcases a number of features that will move .NET into a broader, more cross-platform-friendly future. Also, Fritz says to expect .NET on June 27.

For C# Developers, The Future Is Compositional Thinking

From Visual Studio Live! Austin: Innovations like Microsoft's HoloLens will require adapting procedural, linear programming and thinking in terms of compositional programming, observes UX expert Billy Hollis.

Faster, Leaner Future for Visual Studio Development

From Visual Studio Live! Austin: Microsoft's Tarek Madkour reveals the current state of the Visual Studio union, with a good view of the latest on .NET and .NET Core.

Text Processing, Type Definition, I/O and Visualization in F#

What you can do with most programming languages can be accomplished in F#'s functional programming paradigm. Here's how to handle some simple operations, which might look familiar to you already.

Developer Startups Can Be Pure Comedy

It's time to take a break. Have you seen Silicon Valley? It's a comedy, but the depiction of a developer startup hits very close to the bone.

App to Market: Your Startup Needs an MVP

An MVP is not some Microsoft award, but the acronym for a term, "minimum viable product," that loosely defines what you're trying to provide as far as features -- at a bare minimum -- to get your app to market. Let's look at the considerations for making sure your app achieves MVP status.

In Depth: Prepare for a Windows Phone Revival

It's iOS and Android, then all others, along with Windows Phone. But some reports believe Windows Phone is the real growth market, and developers should take heed since there's money to be made there.

Functional Programming, the .NET Way, Part 2

We looked at the basic features of functional programming with Visual F#. In this second part, we take it a bit farther and look at creating anonymous functions, pattern matching, and other features of F#.

Functional Programming, the .NET Way

The functional programming paradigm, which has been around for decades, has never gone out of style. In this two-part series, we look at Microsoft's implementation, Visual F#.

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