In-Depth Features

'Rosario' CTP Surfaces

Build AJAX Security With JSON

AJAX-era security requires tossing out a lot of what you thought you knew about security, starting with Same Origin Policy.

Microsoft Calls on the Ruby Community

Load Up With VB's Operators

Take an in-depth look at operators in Visual Basic; examine the rules and guidelines for operator overloading; and learn about ternary operators and operator lifting.

Server-Side AJAX for the Enterprise

AJAX got the nod at the recent AJAX Experience conference from Joshua Gertzen, who presented a case study on an AJAX-based banking application at the event.

Products: OpenSpan Changes the Game for Application Integration

OpenSpan Monday announced the availability of the OpenSpan Platform 3.1, an application integration environment.

Novell Relishes Pact with Microsoft

Justin Steinman discusses Linux indemnification and Novell's Deal with Redmond.

The Dawning Age of Experience

In Seattle's Web Design World 2007, Jared Spool shows you what it takes to build a successful, multi-disciplinary experience design team that will best meet your users' needs.

Customer Experience Is Key to Web Design

User experience, as apposed to technology, drives the development process of successful a Web site.

Confusion Growing About Vista SP1 Release

No information disclosed about a public beta.

Adobe Releases ColdFusion 8

BPM Learns To Play With SOA

Microsoft's Software Assurance Rankles Customers

Subscribers complain of high costs, low value.

Survey AJAX Frameworks and Design Patterns

Explore today''s AJAX frameworks and design patters, and implement them in your Web design and development.

Infragistics Updates WinForms/ASP.NET Components

Infragistics releases its latest set of presentation components for Windows Forms and ASP.NET.

Strategies and Techniques for Web Mashups

Build a real-world business model based on a mashup product.

IE7 Cross-Browser Scripting Exploit Goes Zero Day

Vulnerability affects users with IE and Firefox.

Accelerate Apps With Velocity Reporting

Learn to set up and change durations in a supply-chain application that's both metadata- and template-driven.

Visual Studio 2008 Beta 2 Released

Access MySQL Database With PHP

Use the PHP extension for MySQL to access data from the MySQL database.

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