Once you start implementing current design practices, you'll find that your typical object consists of a lot of other objects.
Goto statements, whether they're used in Visual Basic or C#, can be confounding as to their purpose in some contexts.
That noexcept keyword is tricky, but just know that if you use it, your coding world will spin faster.
- By Kate Gregory
- 10/11/2016
In an object-oriented world you create flexible applications by combining objects. You'll want to keep those objects loosely coupled, though, so that a change in one class doesn't force you to rewrite every class. Here's how to keep them loosely coupled.
The R language can be used to perform a sign test, which is handy for comparing "before and after" data.
- By James McCaffrey
- 10/05/2016
TypeScript might change the way you design an application that uses IndexedDB.
A case study in swift .NET application debugging using a variety of free tools that can help keep a client happy.
- By Kamran Bilgrami
- 09/29/2016
If the data you work with is complex and hard to understand, it's easy to get stuck on them when debugging. Add helper variables to make data much simpler to use and comprehend.
- By Bartlomiej Filipek
- 09/28/2016
Integrating lambda expressions into your methods is easy. The trick is in recognizing when to use them. And that means understanding when the strategy and factory method patterns are going to make your applications better.
You might be surprised how easy it was to port this NoSQL database for .NET to the Python language.
- By Idan Haim Shalom
- 09/23/2016
Each language treats case clauses differently, but there's a way you can make them less boring in C#.
Here's another area where the two languages differ.
The goal of one tool for every platform isn't quite a reality yet, but you can get close. Here's what you can accomplish so far with Xamarin tools.
- By Wallace McClure
- 09/20/2016
Back when he had a job, Peter used to hire developers. When he did, there were three questions he got from Scott Hanselman's blog, way back at the beginning of the .NET Framework that he's still asking today.
Standard function breakpoints probably help in most of the debugging sessions. But, sometimes, there's simply too much code to check, too many objects or cases. What if you want to filter out code that generates a breakpoint? Here's a look at conditional breakpoints.
- By Bartlomiej Filipek
- 09/14/2016
A language that's data-intensive naturally should have a way to dig into the data effectively. Here's a look at some of the R functions for searching and sorting through it all.
- By James McCaffrey
- 09/08/2016
As you work with other developers (and seek advice from experts) you need to make sure you're discussing what matters rather than arguing about terminology.
IndexedDB allows you to store data on the client to let the user work offline and to reduce demands on the server. Here's enough code to both get you started and to show you the difference between doing it in JavaScript and doing it in TypeScript.
Create the best object for moving data from your Controller to your View.
C# might be more elegant with escape sequences, but that doesn't mean Visual Basic is weaker in this area.
When you debug a C++ application, the debugger can take a number of detours through lots of trivial functions or code from third-party libraries. You can filter out those unnecessary paths and have the debugger focus on just the code you want.
- By Bartlomiej Filipek
- 08/24/2016
One way to slow down your application is to make multiple trips to the database. Here's a way to cut those trips in half (at least) and it has to do with the EntityFramework.Extended library.
How C# and Visual Basic handle characters and single-character strings is a bit inconsistent. There's no tidy solution, but it's something you do need to know.
By adding one open source library to your application (and adding two methods to your LINQ statements) you can cut the time spent on database updates and deletes in half.
Recompiling source code while debugging is possible, but sometimes your C++ project might not be configured to use it.
- By Bartlomiej Filipek
- 08/11/2016