How To

TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 5: Client-Side JavaScript

Let's wrap up this series on TDD for ASP.NET MVC and talk about the view layer via JavaScript.

Generate Reliable URLs in ASP.NET MVC AJAX Calls

You've moved your ASP.NET MVC application into production and all of your lovely AJAX calls have started failing. The solution is to ensure the URLs you're using in your AJAX calls are absolutely correct.

A Sharper, More Powerful C# 6.0

The newest version of C# 6.0 that you'll see in Visual Studio 2015 improves and streamlines the way you'll code for a "mobile first, cloud first" world.

App-to-Market, Part 2: Refining Your Developer App for the Right Market

In this second of a series, we'll find out how to make sure your product is reaching the right market. But first, you need to work on you before you work on your product.

Even Better Data Typing with TypeScript 1.4

In TypeScript 1.4, you get type-safe support even when you may be working with multiple types, better type checking when inferring types and aliases for type definitions.

Navigation with Xamarin Forms

Xamarin Forms makes the hard work of navigation in apps from device to device a much simpler developer proposition. Here's what I've learned so far.

What It Takes To Get Your App To Market

You've developed a killer app that you know other developers and users want. Are you ready to take it to market? It's time to do some research and see where this new venture can take you. (First in a series.)

TDD for ASP.NET MVC Part 4: Unit Testing View Model Validation

How to unit test view model validation, focusing on the controller when the model is bound to a controller action.

Handling Bad URLs in ASP.NET MVC

If users enter an invalid URL, then ASP.NET MVC will handle the problem by issuing a generic HTTP error. Here's how to give users more support (plus some advice on avoiding the problem altogether).

Compiled Data Binding in the Universal Windows Platform

Nick Randolph investigates the inner workings of the new compiled data binding support available to Windows platform developers in the Universal Windows Platform.

A Simple and Sophisticated Logging Tool

When things go wrong in production, logging provides a way of going back through an application's history to find out what happened. Here's the simplest possible way to use Peter's favorite third-party logging utility: NLog.

Customize Neural Networks with Alternative Activation Functions

Here's how to use non-standard activation functions to customize your neural network system.

Tips for Snagging That Senior Developer Job

You're vying for a senior developer position. Here's what you need to know to win over your interviewer.

Build a Windows Phone App for Consuming SharePoint 2013 Data

SharePoint 2013 offers several ways to interact with the SharePoint data, one of which is through the SharePoint SDK for Windows Phone 8. Malin De Silva walks through the process.

Speed Up Stored Procedures with Table Valued Parameters

Peter revisits an earlier tip on how to use stored procedures to speed up your code. This version makes your stored procedures simpler … though you may have to write a little more code to make the call.

C# 6.0 Gets More Concise with Expression Bodied Properties, Dictionary initializer

Eric Vogel goes over a few C# 6.0 language improvements that will help make your coding experiences more concise.

Developing Your First Apple Watch App

Learn how to get started writing apps for your wrist!

TypeScript Futures

Now that Google is adopting TypeScript as the development tool for Angular 2, TypeScript 1.5 is going to gain some functionality driven by features in Google AtScript. But there's more in the next version of TypeScript than just AtScript features.

What's New with the Windows Universal Application Platform

Microsoft finally unveiled the Windows Universal Application Platform at Build in San Francisco. Nick Randolph takes the new controls -- and other changes that assist developers building adaptive layout applications -- out for a spin.

Leveraging Custom ASP.NET MVC Templates to Support Real-World Views

In the real world, you'll often need to display constant and repeating data, a.k.a. Master/Detail pages. Custom templates are the cleanest, simplest way for you to manage them.

Creating SharePoint Application Pages with Visual Studio

SharePoint Application Pages provide truly flexible functionality across all the sites within a SharePoint front end. You can use Visual Studio to create those pages, with the added bonus of securing the content during development.

TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 3: Contact Service Class

In this final part on test-driven app development with ASP.NET MVC, Eric covers how to unit test the services layer.

Displaying Data Flexibly with Custom View Templates in ASP.NET MVC

You don't always want to display the same data the same way. Here are your options for leveraging custom templates in Views to meet all of your needs -- and the code you need when a template won't do the job.

Agile Project Planning with Team Foundation Server 2015

Many of the changes to TFS affect agile planning features, for the better. Here's a look at five areas.

Oh, CRUD … It's Test-Driven Development for ASP.NET MVC, Part 2

In this second part on TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Eric Vogel covers how to implement unit tests for the remaining CRUD controller actions.

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