When you have a process that can return multiple results over time, then .NET Framework Reactive Extensions will let you simplify your code and manage it better.
Simplex optimization is one of the simplest algorithms available to train a neural network. Understanding how simplex optimization works, and how it compares to the more commonly used back-propagation algorithm, can be a valuable addition to your machine learning skill set.
- By James McCaffrey
- 10/16/2014
Creating a full-featured extension for the ASP.NET MVC HtmlHelper class sounds like a lot of work. But, because of the way the Microsoft .NET Framework works, it's almost trivially easy. To show that, here's an EditBlockFor method that adds a label, a textbox and a validation message to your ASP.NET View.
Windows Phone applications can use Azure Active Directory to authenticate users and authorize access to Azure Mobile Services. Nick Randolph walks through the process, step by step.
- By Nick Randolph
- 10/13/2014
Andrew does integration for a living. As a result, weird client data comes with the territory, but one client's data in particular stands out as being truly unique.
Peter upgrades his Backbone/Typescript to respond to the event raised when the user selects an item in a dropdown list by retrieving related data from a Web API service.
Now you have compiler fundamentals down pat, let's move on to some of the techniques you can use to improve the parser's design and performance.
Lots of decisions go into creating cross-platform apps. Without Xamarin.Forms, the decision process is almost too unwieldy. Here's how it can simplify your mobile development.
- By Wallace McClure
- 09/30/2014
DI containers all serve a similar purpose, but with some differences in syntax and functionality. Ondrej Balas explains the differences between Ninject, Castle Windsor, Unity, StructureMap and Autofac.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 09/25/2014
Peter returns to improve performance by splitting a single table into multiple entities, but this time, he implements his solution using the Entity Framework 6 designer.
Dr. McCaffrey walks you through how to use the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio, a new front-end for Microsoft Azure Machine Learning, to get a neural prediction system up and running.
- By James McCaffrey
- 09/18/2014
There are some occasions when using Entity Framework can really hurt you: When you have tables with hundreds of columns or tables with large payloads. Here's how to get EF6 to do the right thing.
A look at some of the tools available to automate the creation of documentation for your Web API.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 09/16/2014
Nick Randolph discussed how Windows Phone applications can be deployed within a company using enterprise distribution.
- By Nick Randolph
- 09/11/2014
Context is king, and your app can easily create hyper-local experiences with iBeacons!
- By Greg Shackles
- 09/04/2014
Peter turns the management of his single-page Backbone application over to Backbone itself by integrating Backbone Routers and Events. Plus: How to simplify your TypeScript code with longer namespaces.
Accessing Web APIs can be easily done using the HTTPClient Handler. This class expedites the development process in accessing data from a Web API, and allows for customizing the client handlers when the need arises.
Here's an article about managing transactions that you don't need to read because, with one exception, Entity Framework will do the right thing by default. But, in the .NET Framework 4 and later, you can do more (if you ever need to).
Simple problems are often solved by simple solutions. Other times, simple problems are solved with an end user running a Web site from Visual Studio on their machine.
There are two different techniques for training a neural network: batch and online. Understanding their similarities and differences is important in order to be able to create accurate prediction systems.
- By James McCaffrey
- 08/18/2014
You want the responsiveness that asynchronous programming in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 provides, but also need your asynchronous methods to work with other code in your application. Here's how the Task object answers all of your problems.
Ondrej Balas continues his series on refactoring code for dependency injection, looking at patterns and strategies for changing application behavior after it has already been compiled.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 08/11/2014
Extension methods provide a great way for extending a class functionality -- but it's interfaces that let you use those methods anywhere you want.
We often take syntax highlighting for granted -- it just makes code so much more readable that it's become hard to live without. I'll take a look at a little history behind it and some new developments that might make code coloring even more useful.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 08/07/2014
How to define common XAML resources to improve the consistency of your applications.
- By Nick Randolph
- 08/06/2014