How To

Background Tasks in Windows Store Apps

A new feature of Windows Store apps, utilizing background tasks will not only help circumvent some challenges from the Windows Store app lifecycle, but they can keep your app responsive to what's going on with the user's device.

Use Code Maps to Understand Code Relationships

Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 (Ultimate Edition) includes a new tool to help visualize code relationships, and it's worth your time to learn.

Understanding .NET Using Read-Only Collections

Even if you're not working in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, .NET provides you with a way to create a read-only collection or to convert an existing List into a read-only collection.

Recording Media in a Windows Store App Part 3: Video Capture

Eric Vogel covers how to capture video in a Windows Store app by using the MediaCapture API.

iOS Development with Xamarin.iOS and Visual Studio

Xamarin, which specializes in building tools that let developers build mobile apps in C#, has taken that idea one step further with Xamarin.iOS.

Classification Using Perceptrons

Learn how to create a perceptron that can categorize inputs consisting of two numeric values.

Recording Media in a Windows Store App Part 2: Photo Capture

Eric Vogel covers how to capture a photo in a Windows Store App by using the MediaCapture API.

Say What? Incorporating Windows Phone 8 Speech Recognition into Your Apps

The Windows Phone 8 SDK added a speech recognition API that's easy to use and flexible. Learn how to put it to work in your application.

Documenting C++ APIs with Doxygen

Documenting your code is a critical part of development, but too many developers pay too little attention to proper commenting. C++ devs have a tool that can help.

Work Item Tagging In TFS

Work item tagging allows you to add searchable "keywords" to individual work items in TFS.

VSM Goes Responsive, Part 2: Media Queries Explained

CSS3 media queries are the key to making responsive design work.

Recording Media in a Windows Store App, Part 1: Audio

Eric Vogel demonstrates how to use the Windows Runtime MediaCapture API to record audio.

The Windows Runtime Media API

Learn how to play multimedia files with the Windows Runtime media API.

Build Simple Web UIs with the Nancy Framework

Use the open source Nancy Web framework to expose a Web-based configuration UI for a Windows service.

Juice Up Your Android App UI

Make your Android app's design more inviting to users by enhancing things like keyboards and forms, so they'll keep coming back to it.

Shorten Your Backlog: Integrating ASP.NET and SharePoint

Integrating your .NET line-of-business applications with SharePoint is easy to do and allows you to transfer a ton of work from your desk to your users' desks.

Modeling Neuron Behavior in C#

James McCaffrey presents one of the basic building blocks of a neural network.

VSM Goes Responsive, Part I: Why The Box Model Breaks Layouts (and How To Fix It)

This new series on the Visual Studio Magazine Web site redesign focuses first on one of the most frustrating things you can encounter on implementing responsive designs -- having layouts break after adding padding or borders -- and what you need to do to fix this.

Unit Testing With C++

Unit testing is a fine-grained technique for finding bugs. Here's how to apply it to C++ projects.

Using SQL Bulk Insert with the .NET Framework

SQL Bulk Insert has been tuned over the years to work well with the Microsoft .NET Framework. This tutorial shows you how to take advantage of its power.

Build a Windows Store App Using SQLite

No database for your Windows Store app? No problem -- SQLite to the rescue!

Configuring WCF Routing Without Code

Peter Vogel returns to creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) router that loosely couple services with their clients. But this time he uses XML to configure his router rather than doing it in code.

Customize the Windows Phone ToggleButton

Nick Randolph pulls apart the Windows Phone ToggleButton to help you adapt it to the look of your application.

Managed Extensibility Framework Improvements in .NET 4.5

One of the most significant updates is the introduction of a convention-based extension model, in which you can configure a set of naming conventions to allow MEF parts to be easily picked up by your application.

Data Clustering Using Entropy Minimization

Entropy Minimization is a new clustering algorithm that works with both categorical and numeric data, and scales well to extremely large data sets.

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