.NET Framework

Free Tool: TDD for WCF Testing with wcfstorm-lite

Think of wcfstorm-lite as the Visual Studio WCF Test Client on steroids.

Using FileTables in SQL Server 2012

FileTables, a new feature introduced in SQL Server 2012, is a unique table that reflects metadata of files in a specified folder.

Visual Studio Tip: Change Variable Values in Place While Debugging

I know enough not to go down to the Immediate Window and type ? variablename to get the value of a variable.

Azure Mobile Services, Part 2

In Part 2 of this series, Eric Vogel covers how to implement authentication and basic authorization with an Azure Mobile Service-backed Windows Store application.

Introducing TDD With The Microsoft Fakes Framework

One of the major reasons that developers don't like TDD is because, inevitably, it leads to mocking—which can be time consuming. Microsoft has created the Fakes Framework just to simplify the whole process.

Weak Pointers and Circular References in C++ 11

In both .NET and Java, the garbage collector is smart enough to detect and release circular references. Dealing with circular references in C++ isn't as simple.

Location in Mono for Android

Learn about Android's sensors by building a simple compass application.

Why I Pre-Ordered a Surface Tablet

Visual Studio Magazine Contributing Editor Joe Kunk explains why he thinks his Surface tablet will kick his iPad's butt.

Microsoft: Surface Tablet Stacks up With iPad

Microsoft execs took questions during a Reddit chat.

LINQing .NET and Hadoop

A new, free tool from JNBridge connects .NET developers with HBase, the database for Hadoop.

Visual Studio 2012: More Than Just Windows 8 Development

Microsoft has three goals for the latest iteration of its flagship IDE.

Visual Studio 2012 Update Coming in November

Update 1 is part of Microsoft’s new strategy of offering "continuous value" on a quarterly basis, in addition to Service Packs. The company released the final CTP on Monday.

Azure Mobile Services, Part 1

Eric Vogel covers how to create an Azure Mobile Services-backed Windows Store application.

What's Important in UI Design

The key decisions -- the "architectural" decisions -- in user interface design aren't technical ones. The good news? Just two principles that drive those decisions. The bad news? You won't like either of them.

Load Testing with Custom Performance Counters

Tracking down performance problems in your application can be a frustrating experience. Reduce your stress levels with custom counters.

Visual Studio ALM Gets a New Lifecycle

Fewer obstacles, agile improvements and continuous feedback in Visual Studio 2012 with Team Foundation Server remove your team's roadblocks to higher-quality software and maintenance.

Good UI Design Is No Longer Optional

In a mobile world, software developers can no longer ignore UI design.

Microsoft's TypeScript Enables JavaScript App Scaling

TypeScript has been released under the Apache 2.0 license.

Reader Feedback: Visual Studio 2012 Arrives

Microsoft released Visual Studio 2012 and the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 during the final month of the summer, providing developers with the next wave of tools designed for building Windows 8 applications.

Apps for Office 2013: Software plus Services, Indeed

The new "Apps for Office" model allows developers to build add-ins for Office that are implemented with HTML5 and JavaScript.

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