.NET Framework

RIA Warrior

Microsoft's Brad Becker on Silverlight 2 and the enterprise market.

MarkLogic Server 4.0 Taps XML Content

Mark Logic releases MarkLogic Server 4.0, with added support for geospatial data, dynamic content and entity enrichment.

The Changing Role of DBAs: One-to-Many

Have Microsoft's new tools made you the part-time DBA?

Control Exceptions

Take control of casting exceptions, determine whether parent records have children in LINQ to SQL, and resolve cref references in XML comments.

Microsoft Announces Visual Studio 2010

Details are being released in bits and pieces, instead of Microsoft's usual all-or-nothing approach.

OCS Gains New Developer Hooks

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 adds new APIs and integration with Visual Studio.

The Simplicity Manifesto

When it comes to new technologies, less is more.

Combine Generics and Functional Programming

Mixing generics and functional programming simplifies writing some extensibility libraries tremendously. For example, combining these techniques makes it easy to create a generic Undo library.

DevPartner Studio 9.0 Targets Code Quality

Compuware delivers DevPartner Studio 9.0, an upgraded version of its automated code-scanning and analysis suite.

Microsoft Releases New MVC Beta

Microsoft releases beta of model-view-controller framework with a go-live license.

Microsoft Outlines Next-Gen Databases

Redmond reveals “Kilimanjaro,” the business intelligence-focused successor to SQL Server 2008.

PDC: HP Startup Tests Windows Azure Cloud Platform

A startup company called MagCloud.com is currently using Windows Azure, the new Microsoft "cloud operating system" supporting software as a service applications and storage.

PDC: Microsoft Office To Be Available as a Service

Microsoft Office users soon will be able to open, create and edit files using "lightweight" hosted versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote, Microsoft announced this week.

PDC: Office Communications Server Gains New Developer Hooks

Developers this week heard more about the planned upgrade of Microsoft's platform for integrating e-mail, instant messaging, conferencing and telephony at this week's Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles.

PDC: Microsoft's Cloud-Based SQL Services Redefined

Microsoft is evolving its strategy for relational data services in the cloud.

PDC: Visual Studio 2010 CTP Adds Parallel Computing Tools

Microsoft released a Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4.0 at its Professional Developers Conference (PDC) on Monday, and developers may be pleased with the new parallel computing capabilities now available in the CTP.

PDC: Microsoft Outlines Windows 7, Slew of New Dev Technologies

Microsoft today articulated how it will bridge PCs and mobile devices with an extraordinary blitz of announcements that included the first demonstration of Windows 7, its Live Framework, a bevy of new offerings for developers including WPF support for Visual Studio, and the first preview of Office 14.

PDC: Microsoft Releases Geneva Beta

Microsoft today released the first beta of its federated identity services framework aimed at simplifying the way enterprises deploy authentication services.

Adding Style to Silverlight 2 Controls

Just make sure to avoid duplicating properties between controls, and everyone will be happy.

New Specs On Tap For Ajax Development

A consortium of vendors focused on AJAX interoperability last week unveiled two key standards initiatives: a new metadata specification and a new version of its mashup runtime.

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