Redmond launches new effort to encourage development atop Office.
- By John K. Waters
- 07/15/2007
Next-gen version of PowerBuilder adds more .NET functionality.
- By John K. Waters
- 07/15/2007
Some useful guidelines for choosing the the right IT partner.
- By Andrew Gelina
- 07/15/2007
Microsoft on Thursday released an add-on to the previously released CTP of Astoria, a nascent project based around the way data is consumed and exposed on the Web.
The PageRequestManager client-side class provides a rich-event model to help you deal with impatient users.
No information disclosed about a public beta.
- By John K. Waters
- 07/01/2007
Learn how to use and interpret the new code metrics feature in Team System.
- By Jeff Levinson
- 07/01/2007
Microsoft's 'Acropolis' aims to speed up smart client development.
- By Thomas Caywood
- 07/01/2007
If you're a Visual Studio developer, you're now a [fill in the blank] developer. The way Microsoft has updated this line over time says a lot about the versatility of its core tools and development platform.
- By Patrick Meader
- 07/01/2007
Ken Cox reviews Infragistics suite of more than 30 controls for building AJAX-enabled ASP.NET Web applications, including grid, chart, toolbar, menu, editors, data entry, and scheduling controls.
Get the latest downloads.
- By Bill McCarthy
- 07/01/2007
Subscribers complain of high costs, low value.
Explore today''s AJAX frameworks and design patters, and implement them in your Web design and development.
- By Dion Hinchcliffe
- 07/01/2007
Infragistics releases its latest set of presentation components for Windows Forms and ASP.NET.
- By Chris Kanaracus
- 07/01/2007
Learn how to create expandable menus such as you find in Office; handle mouse up/down events properly; and create a custom toolstrip button.
- By Kathleen Dollard
- 07/01/2007
Readers respond to Kathleen Dollard's Guest Opinion that asserted no developer can remain competent given the rate of change in developer tools and technologies.
Learn to set up and change durations in a supply-chain application that's both metadata- and template-driven.
- By Joel Champagne
- 07/01/2007
Learn about the latest and greatest products available from vendors that provide tools and services for Visual Studio .NET.
- By Editors Visual Studio Magazine
- 07/01/2007