You can automate exception logging with one line of client code, control it through an App.config file without recompiling, and use custom publishers to craft cool logging tools.
Employ the manual and automatic transaction models supported by the .NET Framework to maintain consistent data in your applications.
- By Paul Delcogliano
- 05/01/2004
InfoPath SP1 and the new .NET 2003 Toolkit let you implement business logic behind InfoPath forms with managed VB.NET or C# code instead of JScript or VBScript event handlers.
- By Roger Jennings
- 05/01/2004
You can boost performance in server-side apps by using COM+ pooled objects to cache resources. Be sure to enlist the connection manually each time the object pool picks up the object.
- By Enrico Sabbadin
- 05/01/2004
A reader calls for less beta coverage and more focus on current technologies, such as GDI, namespaces, and exception handling.
- By Readers of Visual Studio Magazine
- 05/01/2004
You can build a macro that recalculates and sets assembly dependencies upon request with the VS.NET automation model, even if your solution uses file references.
- By Enrico Sabbadin
- 05/01/2004
Readers respond en masse to a recent Editor's Note on offshoring with a mixture of acceptance at its inevitability and outrage at the companies sending jobs overseas.
- By Patrick Meader
- 05/01/2004
The C# Programming Language is a reference book that will benefit both beginners and veterans alike. Topics include exceptions, unsafe code, generics, anonymous methods, iterators, and partial types.
- By Mark Collins-Cope
- 05/01/2004
DLL Hell is largely a thing of the past with VS.NET and the .NET Framework. But having multiple versions of the same components can be trying in its own right.
- By Jonathan Goodyear
- 05/01/2004
CAS/Tester from Desaware runs your application through an automated test suite that assesses and reports on your app's code-access security.
Activate Windows impersonation selectively, determine the update order of DataTables at run time, guarantee the delivery order of asynchronous delegates, and more.
- By Enrico Sabbadin
- 05/01/2004
Find out how Active Directory Application Mode and Windows Authorization Manager can simplify security, personalization, and configuration for your directory-enabled applications.
- By Enrico Sabbadin
- 05/01/2004
Build a .NET Framework based class library that makes tracing a true asset to your development experience.
- By Kathleen Dollard
- 05/01/2004
VB.NET offers an improved palette for creating Web-based software. Programming the Web with Visual Basic .NET is a complete reference book that gives you all the info you need.
- By Joel Semeniuk
- 04/26/2004
The hobbyist/part-time programmer is becoming an endangered species. However, we as an industry need the skills this person provides.
- By Kathleen Dollard
- 04/01/2004
Offshoring is changing the nature of what it is to be a developer today, much as HMOs have changed what it is to be a doctor. What does this mean to you?
- By Patrick Meader
- 04/01/2004
Create a shared database to provide interoperability between .NET and J2EE platforms, then extend it with a notification level between platforms.
Display data programmatically with only a few lines of code, using the databinding features built into the .NET Framework's WinForms controls.
ComponentOne's Studio Enterprise suite offers feature-rich components for desktop, Web, and mobile app development, available by annual subscription with quarterly updates.
With the ease of deployment for .NET applications, WinForms are once again a viable solution for large deployment environments. If you're considering WinForm programming, Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET is a must-have.