.NET Framework

Choosing a Xamarin Strategy

Here's what you need to know before you create your first Xamarin application to run on a smartphone or a tablet.

Wrangling MongoDB in VS Code? Now There's Documentation

The May update of Visual Studio Code has added documentation for using the popular MongoDB in Microsoft's lightweight, cross-platform code editor.

TypeScript 2.9 Adds Notable Editor Features

TypeScript 2.9 has shipped with several new editor features added along with some language/compiler features.

Microsoft Talks Visual Studio 2019

For the first time, Microsoft has begun to officially talk about Visual Studio 2019.

Microsoft: GitHub and VSTS 'Will Not Live in the Same Portal'

Microsoft reassured the developer community that GitHub will retain its open source independence following the big acquisition announced yesterday, though it will see deeper integration with Visual Studio Team Services.

Details Scant on How Microsoft's Acquisition of GitHub Will Affect .NET Coders

Visual Studio and .NET-centric developers are no doubt waiting to see how today's news that Microsoft will acquire open source giant GitHub will affect their day-to-day coding, but there is already no shortage of strong opinions being voiced

Q&A with Chris Klug: Web Development in 2018

Expert Web developer Chris Klug helps makes sense of today's complicated Web dev ecosystem and the tools and technologies that are emerging at a dizzying pace.

.NET Core 2.1 Released, Along with Entity Framework, ASP.NET Versions

After a series of previews, Microsoft this week announced the final release of .NET Core 2.1, along with its like-versioned associates, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

'C#/XAML for HTML5' Goes Stable, Investigates Blazor Integration

C#/XAML for HTML5 (CSHTML5), which could be described as a reincarnation of the sorely missed Silverlight Web dev tech, has graduated from a release candidate to a stable 1.1 release, with the team noting it's investigating integration with Blazor/WebAssembly.

AWS CodeBuild Now Supports .NET Core 2.0 Builds on Windows

AWS CodeBuild, a fully managed project build service from the Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) cloud, has added Windows support for .NET Core builds, joining previously available Linux support.

Microsoft to Nix Synchronous Auto Loading of Visual Studio Extensions

Microsoft will phase out the synchronous auto loading of Visual Studio extensions, along with delaying async auto loading until startup is finished, to improve IDE performance.

Dealing with Unsafe DELETEs in RESTful Services

Your DELETE request to the service just timed out. Surely, it's safe to send it again. Actually, it may not be.

Type Flexibility with Conditional Types

TypeScript applies type safety to JavaScript but, with conditional types, adds some flexibility in how consistent your types are.

Styling Xamarin.Forms Apps with CSS

New support for styling Xamarin.Forms apps with CSS may be controversial, but Greg Shackles thinks CSS is a powerful (and frequently maligned) solution to the problem of styling native mobile applications. See what he means in this hands-on tutorial.

Dealing with Unsafe Methods in RESTful Services

Your update request to the service just timed out. Is it safe to send it again? Maybe. Here's how to ensure that all your update, delete and add requests are safe plus some advice on what you should really be calling them and handling concurrency.

Really Rest: Eliminating Documentation by Implementing HATEOAS

If you want to implement a fully "REST-compliant" application you should address a critical question: How do consumers know what URLs to use? What if all the consumer needed to know was how to use the HTTP protocol and a little common sense?

16 New Code Analysis, Testing and Debugging Tools For Visual Studio 2017

Back in the day, we'd write some code, compile, execute, see what happened and repeat. That was testing. (Sometimes that's still what testing looks like, for better or worse.) Today, we can do a lot better.

Build a Xamarin.Forms Application with MvvmCross

Building cross-platforms applications has never been easier using Microsoft's Xamarin.Forms. In this article Nick introduces v6 of MvvmCross and shows how it can be leveraged to accelerate development and improve the architecture of a Xamarin.Forms application.

Google Taps VS Code for Flutter Mobile SDK, Dart Programming Language

Visual Studio Code, ever growing in popularity and flexibility, has been named by Google as a first-class code editor for working with the company's Flutter SDK and Dart programming language for mobile development.

Microsoft's Adam Tuliper on the .NET Standard and Porting Your .NET Code

Q&A with Adam Tuliper: Why was the .NET Standard created? What are its top 3 primary benefits to developer? What steps do developers need to take to make their code portable under the .NET Standard? ... and more.

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