
April Patch Arrives, With Critical Fixes and More

Microsoft rolled out eight fixes in its monthly security release, addressing some 23 vulnerabilities.

CollabNet Bolsters ALM Platform, Teams with VMware

CollabNet has released a new version of its ALM platform, adding support for cloud provisioning and upgraded Subversion and lab management.

Windows XP Free Support Ends April 14

Microsoft will end "mainstream support" of XP on April 14, 2009, meaning that there will be no more free per-incident support for that operating system.

Survey: IT Pros 'Cautious' on Move to Windows 7

A survey of IT professionals conducted last month for systems management provider KACE found that a majority of respondents expect that they won't deploy Windows 7 in the next year.

Numerous New Dev Tools at Web 2.0 Expo

The annual Web 2.0 Expo is considered a prominent showcase and launching ground for noteworthy next-generation applications, and last week's gathering in San Francisco was no exception.

Velocity CTP3 Released

Microsoft this week rolled out the next community test version of a distributed cache platform code-named "Velocity" that promises to speed up .NET-based applications.

US-CERT Warns of Conficker Variant

The U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team warns that researchers on April 9 discovered a new variant of the Conficker worm that updates earlier infections via its peer-to-peer network.

Google's New App Engine Adds Java Support

In a significant boost to its year-old App Engine Web-hosting platform, Google this week said it is adding Java support. The new version, dubbed App Engine for Java, will allow developers to build Web apps using standard Java technologies.

Five 'Critical' Patches Planned for Tuesday

After some comparatively light patch rollouts in past months, Microsoft's April Patch Tuesday promises a fuller slate with eight security bulletins.

First Service Pack Released for SQL Server 2008

Microsoft on Tuesday released SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1, which provides updates to the relational database management system, but no new features.

'Neeris' Worm Using Old Tricks on Windows PCs

While the IT security community waited anxiously to see what havoc the Conficker worm might bring to infected systems on April 1, another worm slithered into the picture and now has Microsoft's full attention.

Embarcadero Revamps Database Development and Performance Suite

Embarcadero Technologies has released a new suite of tools aimed at developers looking to tune Java and SQL code in data driven applications.

Cost Replacing Functionality as Linux's Appeal

With a shrinking server market, financial services firms are porting more applications to Linux at the expense of Unix and other legacy platforms. While that has been an ongoing trend for many years, the motive has shifted in the past year from adding new functionality to reducing cost.

Windows 7 RC Nears, and There Will Be Pain

Windows 7 beta testers will experience some pain when moving to the release candidate version of the operating system when it comes out, Microsoft officials explained on Tuesday.

Zend Releasing Enterprise-Grade PHP Server

Zend Technologies will release its commercial-grade server for PHP applications on Tuesday.

Release of ASP.NET MVC Under Open Source License Draws Mixed Reviews

Microsoft is drawing mixed reactions to the release last week of the source code for its ASP.NET Model View Controller.

Windows 7 Will Have an XP Downgrade Option

Microsoft will permit Windows 7 Professional edition downgrades to Windows XP Professional, according a report by veteran Microsoft watcher Mary-Jo Foley published on Monday.

VMware Pledges Savings Guarantee on Server Hardware Costs

VMware believes it can save you at least half on your server hardware through virtualization. It's so confident of the savings that the company is announcing that it will work for you for free if it can't meet that goal.

WSJ: IBM, Sun Talks 'Unraveling'

The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday that the proposed $7 billion dollar deal for IBM Corp. to acquire Sun Microsystems virtually collapsed this weekend.

PowerPoint Security Bug Found in Office 2003

A new zero-day remote code execution vulnerability has come to Redmond's attention, this time affecting Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

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