
Use of Live Customer Data in Application Testing Still Widespread

A survey released by Compuware Corporation and the Ponemon Institute shows "an overwhelming majority of organizations surveyed risk compromising critical information by using actual customer data for the development and testing of applications."

Microsoft Makes Case for Blockbuster Yahoo Deal

Microsoft today has made a surprise bid to acquire Yahoo Inc. for a $44.6 billion, a 62 percent premium over the company's closing share price Thursday.

Microsoft Adds Dynamics Suite for Retailers

New Dynamics suite targets retail industry.

Microsoft Preps OOXML for ISO Vote

Microsoft prepares OOXML for second ISO vote.

Sun Re-Stacks Database Deck

Purchase of leading open source database maker could herald Sun's entry into new markets.

First Source Code for .NET Framework Libraries Released

Microsoft releases .NET 3.5 Framework library source code.

Free Tool Strips Vista to Bare Bones

A new tool released late last week lets you take as much of the "feature bloat" as you want out of Windows Vista -- and then some.

Lessons From a Yahoo Scrum Rollout

Yahoo's senior director of methods and practices, answered a few questions about the Agile development process and Scrum, and how these methods have improved software development at Yahoo.

Excel Flaw Highlights Need for Better App Security

Experts believe the rising number of exploits targeting Excel gives hackers incentive to continually exploit applications -- rather than operating systems -- for flaws.

Web 2.0 Threats Loom Large for IT

With the seemingly exponential growth of Web 2.0 technologies, IT professionals in education -- and all other sectors, for that matter -- face new challenges as control over technology slips away and moves into the hands of users.

Office 2003 SP3 To Be Pushed Out in Feb.

Don't want Office 2003 SP3 rolled out across your desktops next month? Then make sure you don't have Microsoft Update set to automatic.

Microsoft Releases VS 2008 Web Deployment Projects RTW

On Friday, Microsoft's Visual Web Developer Team announced through its blog that Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Projects is now available for download.

Microsoft Aims To Boost Security With New APIs for Developers

In a blog post today, Microsoft announced new APIs that will make security settings easier for developers, particularly for those writing solutions that will run on Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows XP SP3.

Microsoft Partners Can Start Selling Visual Studio 2008

Microsoft announced today through its ISV blog that partners can now begin selling Visual Studio 2008. The program is also now available through retail channels.

Microsoft: SQL Server 2008 Will Be Late

Despite public confidence that SQL Server 2008 would ship by the end of June, Microsoft today indicated it probably is more likely to arrive toward the end of the year.

VMware Manages the Release Lifecycle

Virtualization pioneer VMware has released the public beta of its new deployment management product, VMware Stage Manager. The application is based on the company's flagship virtualization platform, VMware Infrastructure 3.

Microsoft Earnings Show Strong Enterprise Software Business

While Microsoft's record revenues of $16.4 billion and earnings of $4.7 billion for the second quarter put the spotlight on strong sales of Vista and Office, Redmond's latest financial report also showed steady growth in its server and tools business.

Adobe Throttles Up Flash Media Server

Adobe has released two new full version upgrades in its Flash Media Server line: Flash Media Streaming Server 3 and Flash Media Interactive Server 3.

Microsoft Posts .NET 3.5 Framework Download

Yesterday, Microsoft posted the final version of the .NET Framework 3.5 to its download site, as well as several updates to other .NET Framework versions.

Microsoft Releases Slew of Minor Vista Fixes

Microsoft has posted a number of Vista fixes to its download Web site in the past week.

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