
July 20: Visual Studio 2015, TFS 2015 and .NET 4.6 To Be Released Online

Microsoft's programming tools suite features get locked for its release to manufacturing later this month, and the company will simultaneously hold a number of online events and demos to formally introduce the tools to the world.

Fire OS 5 Preview Opens Up New Options for .NET Developers

Amazon opening up its Android-based tablet app platform means developers can target their apps for yet another revenue opportunity.

Docker Compose Files Can Be Edited Via Visual Studio Code

At DockerCon, a demo during a keynote shows Visual Studio Code capable of editing of Docker Compose files via an extension that will be available at the next update.

Lankford: You're Already a Cloud Developer

At Visual Studio Live! in San Francisco, keynote speaker Kris Lankford urges developers working with C#, ASP.NET, and a number of Microsoft dev tools to embrace the cloud or get left behind.

Microsoft's Cross-Platform Tools Aim for Mac, OS X

Redmond's release of several tools for developing apps on Apple platforms during the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference couldn't have been timed any better.

Huckaby: For Creative Developers, Evolving Natural User Interface Design Opens Up Opportunities

Natural UI expert Tim Huckaby live-demonstrated at Visual Studio Live! in Austin this week some well-developed but primitive NUI capabilities with his phone that show what is capable in the very near future as the technology matures.

Visual Studio Application Insights Pricing Discounted for Volume Users

Microsoft announced pricing cuts for volume users starting June 1 while Application Insights is in public preview.

From Austin: Microsoft Open Source Development Updates for 2015

Microsoft's Jay Schmelzer kicks off Visual Studio Live! in Austin, Texas highlighting the company's latest open source efforts within Visual Studio 2015 and the .NET Framework.

Xamarin Adds Mobile App Security Features with IBM MobileFirst Protect

Xamarin Inc. is teaming up to integrate its cross-platform mobile development tools with IBM MobileFirst Protect security software.

Preview of Project System Extensibility SDK for Visual Studio 2015

Project System Extensibility SDK improves upon Visual Studio Managed Package Framework for Projects' process for project system plug-in development.

New Open Source Project: Windows Communication Foundation

The newest work-in-progress WCF that's targeting .NET Core is now being open sourced on GitHub.

Microsoft's May Security Update Includes .NET Framework Vulnerabilities

Buried in Microsoft's May bulletins are two .NET Framework fixes that are rated critical and important.

DevExpress TestCafe Updated to 15.1

New features in this version include the automation of screen caps of Web pages being tested and customizable test result reports.

Visual Studio Code Feedback Loop, First Updates

The Visual Studio Code Team improves a few features of the portable code editor -- in particular, public issue tracking and centralized feedback channnel -- while still in preview.

Build vNext Preview Available in Visual Studio Online

Next generation of the Microsoft Build automation system is now in public preview as part of Visual Studio Online Sprint 82.

A Network Diagnostics Tool for Visual Studio Developers

A peek at a diagnostics tool that gives developers some insight into networking issues that might be mucking up how apps interact among the Windows device spectrum.

Telerik Releases NativeScript 1.0

The JavaScript-based cross-platform development platform sees light of day, as well as a number of new and upgraded tools, including some aimed at .NET developers.

TypeScript 1.5 Inches Nearer to ECMAScript 6

TypeScript 1.5, which has been in the hands of beta testers since the end of April, packs bug fixes and a few more features to get it ready to align with the upcoming ECMAScript 6.

GitHub Extension Now in Visual Studio Gallery

The extension simplifies the back-and-forth connections from Visual Studio 2015 RC to GitHub. But there's an interesting aside to how the extension was developed that reveals something about "the New Microsoft."

'Always Encrypted' Leads New SQL Server 2016 Features

Microsoft said a new Always Encrypted security feature highlights its upcoming SQL Server 2016 -- "the biggest leap forward in Microsoft's data platform history" -- shipping this summer in a public preview.

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