Open Source

Microsoft Open Sources its Open XML SDK

It's been made a project on Github.

'Major Update' Comes to Windows for GitHub

Cleaner UI for developers highlights the changes.

Microsoft Opens Docker to Azure

The open source application packaging platform gets 1.0 support on Microsoft's cloud.

Microsoft Adds HBase Preview to HDInsight Big Data Cloud Service

After recent upgrade to latest Hadoop version, HDInsight now gets NoSQL offering.

HDInsight Gets Hadoop Upgrade

Microsoft today announced its cloud-based Hadoop service, HDInsight, now supports Hadoop 2.4, the latest version of the Big Data software.

'Heartbleed' Patches Could Make Things Worse

Stealing new security certificates could be hackers' end game.

Telerik Makes Kendo UI Available as Open Source Platform

Kendo UI Core includes the entire mobile framework.

Microsoft Updates Python Tools for Visual Studio

The first update in more than a year includes support for new Web frameworks.

At Build, Microsoft's New Execs Take the Lead

Satya Nadella, Scott Guthrie usher in a new era of openness and sharper vision.

Microsoft Makes 'Roslyn' Compiler Open Source

Also announced was a new interop organization called The .NET Foundation.

Microsoft Takes Cross-Platform Development to Another Level

Release Candidate 2 of Visual Studio 2013 also announced.

6 Top .NET Package- and Dependency-Management Tools

They may not be sexy, but package managers are an integral part of every developer's work -- using the right ones can make you more productive. Read on to find out what -- and where -- they are.

Microsoft Releases SignalR SDK for Android, Java

SignalR provides real-time communications between servers and clients.

.NET Development Available on Red Hat Open Source Platform

The technology was developed by a company founded by two ex-Microsoft executives.

Microsoft Releases A Host of Office 365 Development Tools

A new Android SDK for Office 365 is also revealed.

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