Open Source

Silverlight at MIX10: New Framework Tracks Web Analytics

Silverlight news will play a major part in Microsoft's annual MIX10 conference for Web developers and designers in Las Vegas next week.

Hedge Fund Makes Unsolicited Bid for Novell

$2 billion offer from hedge fund sparks speculation of rival bids from Cisco, HP and Microsoft.

RSA Conference: Microsoft Releases Preview of U-Prove

Microsoft released a community technology preview (CTP) of its U-Prove cryptographic tech, and opened up its patented crypto algorithms under the company's Open Specification Promise (OSP)

Open Source Starter Kit Builds Runtime Repository for VS 2010 Dotfuscator Suite

The new Dotfuscator Software Services in Visual Studio 2010 moves beyond obfuscation with the community edition of PreEmptive's Runtime Intelligence Service for .NET.

Microsoft and Amazon Ink 'Confidential' IP Deal

Microsoft signed a "patent cross-license" deal with regarding Amazon's Kindle e-reader device and "Linux-based servers."

FAST Search Will Be a Windows-Only Product

Microsoft plans to eventually discontinue offering its standalone versions of FAST enterprise search products for Linux and Unix.

Oracle Plans To Take on Microsoft Office

Oracle Cloud Office is the next generation of Sun's OpenOffice, company officials revealed.

Oracle-Sun Road Map Will Focus on Bundles

Oracle plans to invest heavily in developing and selling hardware bundled with applications and database software.

Oracle-Sun Deal Gets Green Light

The European Commission today cleared Oracle's $7.4 billion agreement to acquire Sun Microsystems, paving the way for the two companies to close the deal.

Microsoft Woos MySQL Users with Migration Tool

A free toolkit helps database users migrate from MySQL to Microsoft's SQL Server database on-premise or in the cloud.

Microsoft Beefs Up Interoperability Agreements

Microsoft provided more details about its settlement with the EC, particularly with regard to interoperability agreements

Google Chrome OS Released as Open Source Code

Google's previously under-wraps operating system is now available to developers as open source code, the company announced on Thursday.

Windows 7 Download Utility Contains GPL Code

Microsoft confirmed on Friday that open source GNU code landed in its utility software used to install Windows 7.

White House Shift to Open Source Draws Mostly Praise

The White House's recent deployment of the Drupal open source content management system for its Web site has created a stir among industry observers.

CollabNet ALM Upgrade Adds Dynamic Planning

CollabNet will let development teams using its TeamForge application lifecycle management platform to manage and model a project's scope and timeline through a single user interface.

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