Open Source

New CodePlex Release Helps Create Blog Portals

Microsoft on Friday released free open source code that can be used by Web developers to build online blogs.

Survey Highlights Open Source Perceptions, Pitfalls

If you use open source software (OSS), Gartner recommends you have an official OSS policy. But a surprising number of open source adopters are operating without one.

ISO - IEC Publishes Office Open XML Standard

ISO/IEC on Tuesday published the Office Open XML (OOXML) file format standard, formally known as ISO/IEC 29500:2008.

New Specs on Tap for AJAX Development

The OpenAjax Alliance unveils two key standards initiatives: a new metadata specification and a new version of its mashup runtime.

Sun To Cut More Than 15 Percent of Global Workforce

Sun Microsystems, a leader in Java and open source technologies, put market "speculation to rest" today.

Agile Solution Provider Rolls Out Java SDK

Agile project management tools provider VersionOne has updated its V1: Agile Enterprise product to include a Java software development kit (Java SDK).

Google Android Flaw Reopens Open Source Security Debate

A security flaw in Google's new Android operating system discovered recently by independent researchers further underscores the security debate between open source and proprietary software.

Microsoft Unleashes Tool For Web Developers

Web App Installer centralized management of ASP.NET and PHP-based open source Web apps.

Visual Studio to Include jQuery Library

Microsoft to integrate jQuery library into Visual Studio and ASP.NET.

PDC: What You're Missing

Some key products won't get attention at the Professional Developers Conference. Here's a guide to what will remain under wraps at Microsoft's biggest developer showcase in years.

Mono 2.0 Takes Flight

Mono version 2.0 is released, featuring an improved C# compiler and extended support for LINQ.

Silverlight 2 Now Available

Silverlight 2, the latest version of Microsoft's cross-platform browser plug-in for multimedia applications, will be available on Oct. 14, company officials announced on Monday.

Pentagon: Open Source Good To Go

Military information technology folks wondering if their use of Apache, Perl, Linux and other open source software is copacetic with the brass will soon get some answers from the Defense Department's Office of the Chief Information Officer.

Mono 2.0 Takes Flight

Mono version 2.0, an open source effort to implement the Microsoft .NET development framework for Unix, Linux and other platforms, was formally released today.

Red Hat Expands HPC Solution Availability

Open source software vendor Red Hat went global with its high-performance computing (HPC) product on Thursday.

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