In the March C# Corner column, Patrick Steele explained how to use LINQ outside of databases to make code easier to read and maintain.

Easing the Data Cramp

64-bit versions of Windows present perils for Win32 apps, and opportunities too. For example, it's incredibly easy to double your address space.

Searching Within Byte Arrays

Still using Instr to search within binary arrays? Stop that! Use InstrB instead.

Redesign IDE Dialogs

Ever felt the VB IDE dialogs were poorly designed? Here's a way for you to tweak them a bit more to your liking.

Red Gate Launches .NET Reflector Pro, Updates Community Edition

The popular tool's first commercial extension is a Visual Studio add-in for debugging third-party assemblies.

The Next Y2K

There's another one coming, and this one's still flying pretty far below the radar. Classic VB apps are only vulnerable to the extent they interact with others.

Creating Nested Folders

Classic VB provides no simple method to create nested directory folders, but it certainly provides the tools to make such a method.

Monitoring System Power Status

With the use of portable devices on the rise, you may find a need to monitor how much life is in the system your application finds itself running on.

Generating Code with CodeSmith

CodeSmith Studio supports the creation of code-generation projects for a wide variety of outputs-though it has limited integration with Visual Studio.

Listening to ThunderMain

Windows provides an ongoing stream of general system notifications that you can fairly easily hook into.

Types and Tuples in .NET 4

Visual Basic 10 introduces new generic tuple classes that can help you get more done with less -- if you're careful about it.

No Such Thing as a Windowless VB App

All Classic VB apps have at least one top-level window. Normally out of reach, you can put them to good use if you know how to get to them.

Inside Alternative Data Streams

NTFS offers an almost unknown way to obscure streams of data behind the most innocent looking files. Find out how to do this with VB6.

Microsoft's VB6 Support Strategy?

After years neglecting the VB6 community, Microsoft seems to be missing something. Us!

Finding an Associated Executable

After using a given API for a decade or more, you tend to just take it for granted that it works. Karl Peterson shows how he worked around a challenge when it didn't.

Getting Current on MEF

ASK KATHLEEN: Readers explore Managed Extensibility Framework, using callback delegates and how to create the equivalent of a C# partial interface in Visual Basic.

Threading and the UI

ON VB: Four ways to synchronize threads with your app's user interface.

Turbo Charge Visual Studio with DevExpress CodeRush

REVIEW: DevExpress CodeRush 9.2 is a powerful productivity booster for .NET developers that includes the Refactor! Pro tools from Developer Express.

Finding the Right Tool For the Job

Tired of wondering which version of dumpbin or link is executing? Would you like to copy that tool you use all the time to another machine, but can't seem to find it? Here's a little utility that can help.

Thoughtful UI Tweaks Can Make All the Difference

The difference between a successful program and a complete flop may come down to how you treat your users. Here's one simple way to avoid needlessly annoying your users.

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