Customize Your Application Startup

Customize your application startup screen and add log-in functionality; learn how to view derived types in your projects; check for improper GUIDs; and drill down on extension methods.

Microsoft's $60B Year-End Revenue Dogged by Search Costs

Microsoft's fiscal fourth-quarter and 2008 year-end financial results were announced in a Webcast on Thursday.

Developers Can Fight Back

Three new tools let programmers examine application code for SQL-injection vulnerabilities.

Inside Arrays

Drill down on how arrays work and learn some cool tips and tricks for taking advantage of them in .NET.

VB's Second-Class Status Revisited

Readers chime in on VB getting left behind.

ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta Testers Stage No-Confidence Vote

Hundreds of dissatisfied testers of Microsoft's ADO.NET Entity Framework V1, which is still in beta, are staging a protest against the software giant by expressing what they call a "vote of no confidence" in the technology.

.NET and Java Grow Organically

Mixed .NET and Java application deployment platforms promote new interoperability initiatives.

Microsoft Releases 7 Patches, 3 Critical

Microsoft released seven patches for its June rollout of security fixes. As expected, three are labeled "critical," three "important" and one "moderate."

Opinion: Gates' Tech-Ed Farewell

Don shares his take on Gates' keynote goodbye to developers.

Microsoft Starts Global Rollout of Retail Consumer Web Sites

Microsoft Corp. is now selling its wares directly to consumers.

Tech-Ed: Gates' Farewell to Developers Focuses on Silverlight, Velocity, Oslo

Microsoft's founder and chairman kicked off Tech-Ed with a keynote that took an opportunity to look back, as well as provided a glimpse into the future.

A Mort by Any Other Name …

A take on one reason why VB is getting overlooked.

Readers Weigh in: VB Is Least Among Equals

Your comments on whether Microsoft really does treat VB like a second-class language.

Resize Textboxes Easily

Use .NET's inheritance or extensibility to improve VB's textbox layout.

Microsoft Revamps MSDN and TechNet

Microsoft late last week launched a revamped iteration of its highly trafficked resource sites for developers and IT professionals.

Survey: Developers Not Jumping on Vista Bandwagon

Evans Data research indicates only eight percent of developers in North America are writing applications for Vista, even though the OS has been live for 15 months.

Use Recursion to Clear out Textboxes

Clear out textboxes using recursion and LINQ; use VB literals to transform an XML document; and eliminate an annoying artifact of VB internals.

Least Among Equals

Is VB treated poorly compared to C#? Readers weigh in.

Silverlight 2.0 Beta Debuts

Silverlight 2.0 includes a subset of the .NET Framework, which enables you to write .NET managed code that runs in Silverlight.

Keeping Sane in Wake of Technology's Pace

Architecture can be key to staying one step ahead.

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