Databind Objects and Collections

Take advantage of the fact that the Windows Forms databinding mechanism can use any .NET object that implements the IList interface as the data source.

Master .NET Configuration Files

Master the art of loading and saving configuration files using Visual Studio .NET. Also, learn about planned changes in VS.NET 2005.

Create Master Pages in ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0's master pages can help you develop consistent Web apps without the additional overhead of include files, user controls, or third-party add-ins.

Register and Manipulate Files in Whidbey

Take advantage of the new My.Computer functionality in Whidbey to implement a utility that manipulates the Registry to take care of bad e-mails.

Bixhorn Paints Indigo Picture

Ari Bixhorn discusses Microsoft's plan to create a unified programming model (code-named Indigo) for building distributed, interconnected apps in an interview with VSM Editor in Chief Patrick Meader.

Add Magic to Forms With Wizards

Take advantage of ASP.NET 2.0's new Wizard control to build wizard-based UIs with less code and a better experience for your users.

Convert C# to VB.NET

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that lets you convert C# code to VB.NET at the project or code-snippet level.

ComponentOne Doc-To-Help 7.5: Generate Help Documentation

Every program needs documentation of some type. Plus, first looks at GridEX Control for .NET, more.

Remembrance of Writers Past

Readers long for VSM authors of years past who wrote practical, useful articles on current technologies.

Build Your First .NET Windows Service

Once limited to the domain of C++ and MFC programmers, Windows Services can now be a key part of your .NET applications' infrastructure. Learn how to create a Windows Service application to provide monitoring for your .NET apps.

C-Sharpener for VB

Check out the latest add-ins for Visual Studio .NET, including a product that lets you convert VB.NET to C# and vice versa with 99-percent accuracy.

Books: Develop Network Programs in .NET

Network Programming in .NET: With C# and Visual Basic .NET shows you how to accomplish network-based programming in .NET using well-known protocols or ones you create yourself.

Basic Doesn't Fit VB.NET

Visual Basic .NET is a lot of things, but it isn't basic. It's time for a name that reflects the immense power Microsoft has added to the language.

Back to the Future

Does it make sense to learn the intricacies of code today that might become obsolete or change significantly tomorrow? It depends, say readers.

Make the Best of .NET Resource Files

Drill down on some under-documented techniques for using resource files in your .NET apps, and learn to customize these files for different customers.

Mimic Popular Scheduling Apps

OfficeWriter 2.0 Enterprise Edition, which bundles SoftArtisans' ExcelWriter and WordWriter products, delivers custom documents over Internet Information Services (IIS).

Debug Partially Trusted .NET Apps

Learn how to debug applications running on the Internet, embed resources in the assembly manifest, and use regular expressions to filter out duplicates.

Accelerate Web Development

Check out the latest Visual Studio .NET add-ins, including a Web content management system based on ASP.NET and SQL Server.

Share Controls Between WinForms

Pass a user control from Windows Form to Windows Form to rearrange your graphical user interface (GUI) layout without needing to reinitialize the shared user control and more.

Use Managed Database Providers

DataDirect Connect for .NET's native managed database providers for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase improve data-access performance, reliability, and scalability.

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