SharePoint Web Part Default Interfaces

Because SharePoint lists are automatically turned into connectable Web Parts, you can integrate your own Web Parts with any existing SharePoint list by implementing the default interfaces provided by SharePoint.

Faking the Rest: Detouring Properties, Shimming Parameters and More

Peter finishes up his discussion of using the Fakes Framework with TDD in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate by looking at mocking properties and why you'd want to pass a shim as parameters.

Get SharePoint ListItems onto the Page Easily With ListViewByQuery

ListViewByQuery is useful for retrieving ListItems to display to your users.

New Version of .NET Framework, SDK for Windows Phone 8 Released

Upgrades to the development suite include CoreCLR and async programming.

Using FileTables in SQL Server 2012

FileTables, a new feature introduced in SQL Server 2012, is a unique table that reflects metadata of files in a specified folder.

Why I Pre-Ordered a Surface Tablet

Visual Studio Magazine Contributing Editor Joe Kunk explains why he thinks his Surface tablet will kick his iPad's butt.

Use Structs Instead of Classes to Pass Data Uniquely

The difference between Structs and Classes isn't about data vs. code: it's about what happens when you move the data around. And sometimes you want a Struct, not a Class.

How Windows 8 Changes the Game

Traditional software company Adage Technologies adapts to the sea change that is Windows 8.

JavaScript's Ascendance Within Microsoft

JavaScript has been part of the Microsoft technology stable since the 1990s, and its prominence in the next wave of Microsoft products is huge.

Aspect-Oriented Programming with PostSharp

Aspect-oriented programming has the potential to help every developer write higher-quality code in less time. Here's how to declaratively apply custom methods implementing common functionality to your code.

Develop Faster with Customized Visual Studio Templates

Visual Basic and C# developers can eliminate repetition by customizing the project and item templates in Visual Studio.

Secondary Live Tiles in Windows Phone

Secondary Live Tiles enable an application to utilize both sides of a tile, delivering twice the information.

Tighten up Your Visual Basic Code with Lambda Expressions

See how lambda expressions enhance a common programming scenario.

A Live Tiles Tutorial

Live Tiles are images that update a pinned tile (icon) on the start screen of Windows Phone. They're used to offer updates to a user browsing the start screen, without having to open the application completely.

Windows 8 Set to Debut October 26

The operating system will release to manufacturing in August.

What .NET Developers Must Know about C++ Classes

C++ does things differently than C# or Visual Basic, especially when it comes to class construction. Take this tour to learn about the differences.

Adding Business Services in WPF with Prism and Unity

WPF with Prism and Unity allow you to create loosely-coupled applications that assemble themselves at run time. Here's how Prism and Unity allow you to dynamically integrate business logic into your application.

Build a More Powerful CRM System with Visual Basic .NET Extensions

Accessing a customer relationship management system with a custom .NET application can add important functionality.

Creating an HTTP Service with ASP.NET Web API

ASP.NET Web API allows you to write a service once and provide different output formats with little effort on the developer's side.

Microsoft Announces Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop

The company is bringing back free tooling for Windows desktop apps after developers expressed frustration over the Visual Studio 2012 Express lineup.

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