Visual Studio

Take Control of Print Preview

Learn how to implement a print preview dialog that uses the PrintPreviewControl to add features that aren't in the default PrintPreviewDialog component.

Create a Quality Testing Program

Testing is a crucial component of the software development lifecycle. Combine testing tools with methodologies such as XP and TDD to boost quality assurance.

Plug Into J2EE-.NET Interoperability

Your J2EE and .NET apps must interact. This overview presents the standards and available technologies that can help you shape interoperable solutions.

Teach Your Apps to Trust

A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is the basis for creating applications that trust each other to perform their tasks.

Output Your Trace Info

Output your trace information to new targets, including SQL Server and XML—and do it without parsing.

Books: Write Customized .NET Add-Ins

Writing Add-Ins for Visual Studio .NET helps you write an add-in customized to your needs. Les Smith walks you through the wizard and shows you how to develop your UI, trap IDE events, manipulate controls, and migrate your VB6 add-ins to the new platform.

Hobbyists Speak for Themselves

Kathleen Dollard's recent Guest Opinion inspires reaction. Some hobbyists want Microsoft to continue support for VB6, while full-timers advise amateurs to step up to the .NET plate.

Build Data-Driven Client Validation

Here's a design for creating data-driven validation rules for distributed apps. It lets you distribute the rules from to clients without modifying client-side application code.

Books: Use ADO.NET in Your C# Apps

Learn how to turn ADO.NET classes into tools for constructing software using C# in Mahesh Chand's book, A Programmer's Guide to ADO.NET in C#.

Enhance UI Performance in WinForms

You can improve your UI in several ways, using the .NET Framework's built-in multithreading and asynchronous execution mechanisms.

Add Rich UI Capabilities

Infragistics' NetAdvantage 2004 is a suite of high-performing and feature-laden UI components for developing Windows, Tablet PC, and ASP.NET applications.

VS.NET Needs a Novice Version

VS.NET is a flexible and powerful programming tool, but a special novice version would expand its audience (and Microsoft's) not only with hobbyists, but in the enterprise as well.

Manipulate Text With Regular Expressions

Learn whether a given date is greater than or equal to a predefined date and how to add to the Expression Editor dialog box's list of Standard Expressions.

Automate Exception Logging

You can automate exception logging with one line of client code, control it through an App.config file without recompiling, and use custom publishers to craft cool logging tools.

Keep Data Consistent With Transactions

Employ the manual and automatic transaction models supported by the .NET Framework to maintain consistent data in your applications.

Use InfoPath With VS.NET 2003

InfoPath SP1 and the new .NET 2003 Toolkit let you implement business logic behind InfoPath forms with managed VB.NET or C# code instead of JScript or VBScript event handlers.

Enlist ADO.NET Connections in Pooled Objects Manually

You can boost performance in server-side apps by using COM+ pooled objects to cache resources. Be sure to enlist the connection manually each time the object pool picks up the object.

Letters to the Editor

A reader calls for less beta coverage and more focus on current technologies, such as GDI, namespaces, and exception handling.

Recalculate VS.NET Project Dependencies Automatically

You can build a macro that recalculates and sets assembly dependencies upon request with the VS.NET automation model, even if your solution uses file references.

Offshoring Stirs Reader Passions

Readers respond en masse to a recent Editor's Note on offshoring with a mixture of acceptance at its inevitability and outrage at the companies sending jobs overseas.

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