Web Development

DMTF Hammers Out SMASH 2.0

The Distributed Management Task Force, an industry organization advocating the development of interoperable server management, has released Systems Management Architecture for Server Hardware 2.0.

Microsoft Buying Chat Provider

Parlano brings group chat platform to Redmond's UC stack.

Hands-On Product Review: WebUI Studio.NET 2007

A close look at Intersoft Solutions Corp.’s WebUI Studio.NET 2007

Redmond Issues Live ID SDKs

Microsoft unveils pair of Live ID SDKs.

Infragistics Pushes Functional Testing for GUI Components

Infragistics releases TestAdvantage 2007 Volume 2.

New Research Rates Dynamic Languages

Research firm eyeballs what’s hot in dynamic languages.

RIA Platform Provider Curl Partners with Sonata

RIA platform vendor forms new partnership, aims at U.S. market.

CollabNet Rolls Out Improved ALM Solution

CollabNet has released the latest version of its open source application lifecycle management (ALM) solution, which features improvements in collaboration, tools integration and reporting capabilities.

CodeGear Unveils IDE for Rapid Web Development

CodeGear is releasing a rapid application development (RAD) environment for database-driven Web-based applications that supports multiple versions of Microsoft Windows as well as the .NET Framework. The company's new RAD Studio 2007integrated development environment (IDE) supports Windows 2000, XP and Vista operating systems.

Microsoft Releases Silverlight

Microsoft has turned on the Silverlight.

W3C Publishes Web Services Policy 1.5

Group devises a more flexible method of handling policy changes for Web services and service-oriented architectures.

Consuming Remote Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX

Notice that ScriptManager can't generate a client-side proxy object that can be used to call the remote service? Dan shows you the workaround.

WPF Goes to Work

Windows Presentation Foundation has been greatly underserved by Microsoft’s emphasis on glitz and glamour; learn how to take advantage of WPF in your everyday Windows business apps.

Consuming Remote Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX

Notice that ScriptManager can't generate a client-side proxy object that can be used to call the remote service? Dan shows you the workaround.

Serialize Data to the Clipboard

Learn how to copy all the custom data formats in objects to the clipboard and determine which ones are appropriate when you paste.

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