Web Development

Microsoft Strikes Conciliatory Tone in Open XML Debate

Microsoft execs continue pushing standards recognition for Open XML but soften tone.

Survey AJAX Frameworks and Design Patterns

Explore today''s AJAX frameworks and design patters, and implement them in your Web design and development.

Strategies and Techniques for Web Mashups

Build a real-world business model based on a mashup product.

IE7 Cross-Browser Scripting Exploit Goes Zero Day

Vulnerability affects users with IE and Firefox.

2007 Buyers Guide

Check out our comprehensive list of available products and resources for the Visual Studio .NET developer.

Microsoft Eyes Social Software Development

Microsoft’s recent deal with Facebook could foretell broader use of social networking software within companies.

Waterfalling Forward to Agile

Manage the transition to agile processes.

Visual Guard Updated

Visual Guard for .NET allows dev managers to add security features to projects and manage users and roles among coders.

First Release of Spring.NET Now Available

Interface 21 bows Spring.NET 1.1, a dev-deployment framework for .NET apps.

Microsoft's Linux Deals: Tempest in a Teapot for Developers

Analysts say Microsoft’s IP deals won’t have a big impact on enterprise developers

Windows Communication Foundation

The skinny on Microsoft's programming model for messaging.

Hacker Defaces Microsoft U.K. Web Page

A hacker managed a rare feat Wednesday, successfully attacking a Web page within Microsoft's U.K. domain and replacing the page with several graphics related to Saudi Arabia.

Inform Users With Customized Visual Feedback

Add and customize visual cues on your AJAX-enabled Web pages with the UpdateProgress control and PageRequestManager class.

Access MySQL Database With PHP

Use the PHP extension for MySQL to access data from the MySQL database.

Microsoft Partnering With GigaSpaces

Microsoft Corp. has partnered with Israel-based GigaSpaces Technologies Ltd. to bundle the vendor's extreme transaction processing middleware with a Microsoft front-end and enterprise grid. The agreement is on the heels of GigaSpaces' announcement of version 6.0 of its flagship data grid and caching platform, expected in September.

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