Web Development

Introducing: Practical JavaScript

In the first installment of Practical JavaScript, Peter Vogel describes how a client-side skeptic evolved into a JavaScript fan thanks to several tools and a book. He also shares why he's concerned about TypeScript and where he's going to take this .NET-oriented JavaScript column over the next few months.

Building ASP.NET MVC Applications with Syncfusion

Syncfusion Essential Studio for ASP.NET MVC includes more than four-dozen controls, half-a-dozen templates and several utilities, all of them useful. Documentation is lacking, though.

Kendo UI Adds PHP, JSP and Windows 8 Support

The framework is built on top of jQuery.

VSM Goes Responsive, Part 2: Media Queries Explained

CSS3 media queries are the key to making responsive design work.

WebKit and the Render Wars

Microsoft needs to consider adding WebKit to Internet Explorer, or it could suffer painful consequences.

Build Apps for Office with the New Microsoft Tool Suite

Microsoft recently released Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012, a downloadable suite for creating apps for Office and SharePoint.

Configuring WCF Routing Without Code

Peter Vogel returns to creating a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) router that loosely couple services with their clients. But this time he uses XML to configure his router rather than doing it in code.

Unleash the Power of Chrome Developer Tools: A Tutorial

Building and debugging Web-based applications with Chrome Developer Tools is easier than you might think.

Microsoft Launches Web Site Optimization Tool Modern.IE

The tool aims to reduce testing time, leaving more time for development.

A TypeScript Primer

Whether you're new to JavaScript or well-versed in all it has to offer, TypeScript is a compelling option.

Working with the HTML5 Data Attributes Using jQuery

jQuery support for the new HTML5 data attributes may not be everything a developer could want -- but it's very close. And, more important, it's the perfect solution for handling transactional data.

Faster App Delivery Remains Top IT Need

Reducing application development costs, and moving applications to the cloud have become less of a priority for the coming year, according to the survey.

Microsoft's C# Programming Language Chosen Most Popular

The contest was based on the growth in the number of searches from the previous year.

.NET Developers Still Doing Well, Survey Says

Developers continue to show gains in salary and have better job security than most others, according to Visual Studio Magazine's second-annual salary survey.

Building Apps Across Windows 8 Platforms

Although Windows 8 and Windows Phone share the same core, building an app for both isn't as easy as you might think.

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