Web Development

Live Mesh Preview: It's Wait-List Only

Microsoft quietly opened its Live Mesh preview to more testers on July 15, but by today (July 17), the offer had been narrowed to just waiting-list only.

Cloud Computing To Bring Security App Shift, Report Says

Microsoft's Chief Architect Ray Ozzie and some say the sky will be the limit for cloud computing in the enterprise, but there's still a need for IT security too.

Oracle Releases Critical Updates

Oracle has released the latest quarterly round of critical patches for all its products.

Embarcadero Releases SQL Optimizer

In its first product release since acquiring Borland's CodeGear business, Embarcadero Technologies Inc. this week released a new tool set designed to help developers optimize SQL code in databases.

Data Driver

Microsoft's Michael Pizzo talks up Entity Framework.

Sentrigo Offers Help for Database Patching Woes

Sentrigo Inc. released its new Hedgehog vPatch database security software product on Tuesday.

Developers Can Fight Back

Three new tools let programmers examine application code for SQL-injection vulnerabilities.

.NET Developers Gain Velocity

One of the big surprises at Microsoft's Tech-Ed North America 2008 Developers conference in Orlando, Fla., last month was the launch of Project "Velocity," the code name for a distributed, in-memory data-caching platform that was quietly under development in Redmond.

Tougher Security Planned for Internet Explorer 8

In the wake of a report suggesting that IE was the least secure Web browser, Redmond on Wednesday touted the security features expected to appear in IE 8.

.NET Developers Gain Velocity

Microsoft's surprise launch of its in-memory data caching platform could bolster data-driven app development.

SharePoint: Platform Rising

Enterprise SharePoint adoption is exploding and development managers are learning some hard lessons in the process.

Acrobat Brings Developers into the Cloud

Adobe launches Acrobat.com, a free Web-based productivity and collaboration tools bundle.

Microsoft Releases Windows Embedded CTP

New support for both Silverlight and the .NET 3.5 Framework.

The Fusion of Web and Smart Client

Silverlight may be our first step toward better Web-based applications, but some obstacles still remain.

ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta Testers Stage No-Confidence Vote

Hundreds of dissatisfied testers of Microsoft's ADO.NET Entity Framework V1, which is still in beta, are staging a protest against the software giant by expressing what they call a "vote of no confidence" in the technology.

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