XAware's Data Integration App Goes Open Source

XAware Inc. has released its latest data integration software under an open source GPLv2 license and also achieved Gold Partner status in the MySQL Enterprise Connection Alliance program.

Simplify Application Instancing

Take advantage of the new PipeStream classes and XML features in .NET 3.5 and VB9 to resolve the age-old problem of creating a single-instance application.

Banish UAC Issues

User Account Control (UAC) issues usually result from improperly allowing administrator-level access in your applications. Learn how UAC works and make such problems a thing of the past.

IT Must Tackle 5 Trends, Analyst Group Says

The points of change cited by the research firm include Web 2.0-style apps, SaaS, global-class computing, "consumerization" of IT and open source.

.NET Toolbox Picks

Five utilities and widgets distributed by Microsoft for .NET programmers.

.NET Cheat Sheet

The skinny on 1.1, 2.0, 3.0 and 3.5.

MadCap Flare 3.0: Author XML-Based Help

Get help with your help.

Developers Sound off on OOXML Vote

Developers skeptical of Microsoft’s effort to make OOXML a global standard.

Talking OpenOffice

RDN talks with OpenOffice.org's John McCreesh.

Enable the Application Framework in VB

Learn what enabling the application framework in VB actually does and what an invariant culture is and how you take advantage of it.

Hands-On Product Report: Altova XMLSpy 2007

Visual Studio Magazine reviews Altova XMLSpy 2007 Release 3.

Redmond Issues Live ID SDKs

Microsoft unveils pair of Live ID SDKs.

IDC Study Finds Strong XML Uptake in Europe

IDC study finds practical concerns driving XML-based doc formats.

Is Microsoft Office In Trouble?

Is Microsoft Office in danger of having real competition for the first time in a decade? That's the question being asked this week, as the battle for office productivity suites heats up on several fronts.

Microsoft Document Format Voted Down

Microsoft's first attempt to gain acceptance for its Open XML (OOXML) document format from a critical standards body has failed.

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