Roll Your Own Control Designers

It's not enough to build a great custom control to help your end users -- you must also help other developers use your control.

XML in 2007: A Survey of Tools, Technologies and Strategies

Learn guidelines for designing and developing with XML data.

Enforce Password Complexity Policies

Build a component to accommodate changing requirements without having to recompile your code.

Plug In RBAC Security for Enterprises

Reduce maintenance costs from security logic that is interwoven with application logic. Apply a simple design that lets you plug in a role-based access control component.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

Build More Scalable Sites

Learn how to integrate ASP.NET's built-in security tools with the features of your existing site.

Implement a File Transfer Web Service

Implement a Web service that performs a binary file transfer using Web Service Enhancements 3.0 and MTOM.

Integrate XML Into Your Reporting Environment

You'll find several areas of interest regarding XML usage in SQL Server Reporting Services.

Enable IntelliSense in Your Documents

Use the new XML editor features to enable IntelliSense in your XML documents.

Test Drive VB9 and DLinq

The January 2006 Language Integrated Query (LINQ) preview for the next ("Orcas") version of Visual Basic enables automating SQL Server object-relational mapping for DLinq and enhances XLinq syntax for literal XML and late binding.

Outlining the Future of Software

Chappell & Associates' David Chappell detailed the design patterns for a new breed of service-oriented applications (SOAs) at his VSLive! keynote on Tuesday.

BA Architect, More

Take a look at the latest product updates, plus a new data management tool for developers working with ADO.NET compatible data sources.

AQtime 4.8, More

Take a look at the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a component that helps you present, select, and manage dates and times.

SlickEdit 10: Edit Code in Multiple Languages

SlickEdit 10 lets you work with code in a variety of languages. It provides tools for editing, searching, and merging your source files, and it offers built-in support for many development environments.

Find Bottlenecks in VS.NET Code

Take a look at the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that not only lets you find bottlenecks in your code, but also helps you determine their cause.

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