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The Database Decision

Does cost drive the decision of what database to deploy? And are the business owners getting the final (or increased) say on that choice? According to Jeremy Lehman, the former chief software architect for Citigroup's global equities group and now founder of New York-based Radical Analytics, cost certainly is an issue in the capital markets sector. And it's the business managers who are raising the issue, said Lehman, who gave his observations during a session at Microsoft's Financial Services Developers Conference in New York yesterday.

Lehman raised the point while saying until a few years ago Microsoft's SQL Server was not ready for prime time in the capital markets. But now he said SQL Server has become a viable choice and is widely deployed.

"It's driven by cost," Lehman said. "The technologists feel threatened by a new skill or feel it makes them less pivotal [but] it often does come down to cost."

Have database servers become a commodity? What drives the decision of what database to deploy in our your organization when rolling out an application. Has the criteria changed lately? Drop me a line at [email protected] or post a comment in this blog.

Posted by Jeffrey Schwartz on 03/13/2008

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