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Redmond Developer News Steps It Up

Like the $6 Million Man, Redmond Developer News is getting bigger, stronger and faster. Starting with the April 1 issue, RDN transitions to a twice-monthly schedule that allows us to deliver more issues, more coverage and quicker turnaround on news and events in the industry.

No surprise, we've had to staff up to achieve the doubled frequency. I'm proud to announce the arrival of executive editor Jeffrey Schwartz, who was previously senior editor at VAR Business. He will be heading up features coverage in RDN, as well as contributing to our regular news coverage. Also joining the staff is veteran news journalist Thomas Caywood. As a senior writer on staff, he'll be instrumental in our news coverage, as well as producing features and other articles for the magazine and Web site.

In other happenings for Redmond Developer News, while the Oscars may be over, the magazine awards season is just heating up. This week, the finalists for the 56th Annual Maggie Awards were announced, and Redmond Developer News earned recognition as a finalist in two categories, including best new publication. The Maggie Awards winners will be announced on April 27.

Posted by Michael Desmond on 03/07/2007

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