Where's Waldo?
Or, more precisely, where in the world is Ray Ozzie? Outside of an appearance
at the Web-centric Mix07 developer event in Las Vegas this April, Microsoft's
chief software architect and presumed successor to Bill Gates hasn't been featured
at any of Microsoft's major conferences.
We're reading tea leaves here, but it seems that much of the early light and
heat of Ozzie's arrival in Redmond has burned off. Meanwhile, CEO Steve Ballmer
is taking center stage at key events like Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference,
on now in Denver.
Could it be that Ozzie's vision for Microsoft, one founded on the openness
and innovation implied by Live Clipboard and similar projects, has bogged down?
Tell us what you think. E-mail me at [email protected].
Posted by Michael Desmond on 07/11/2007