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Forrester Says App Dev Must Get "Lean and Mean" In 2010

According to a blog post by Kathleen Richards, editor of Redmond Developer News and executive editor at Visual Studio Magazine, a recent Forrester Research report projects that application development shops will face five key changes in 2010. The dominant theme? Dev shops will need to get more done with less.

The Forrester prognostication offers a five-point call to action for dev managers:

  • Embrace cloud computing
  • Run your dev shop like a cash-strapped startup
  • Be flexible in platform decisions
  • Get after the user experience
  • Seek and develop talent, rather than headcount
Read Kathleen's entire blog post here. And check out the Forester report summary.

Are you planning changes this year to get the most out of your application development and processes? Let us know below in the comments section, or email Kathleen Richards at [email protected]

Posted by Michael Desmond on 01/08/2010

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