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Object Browser: The World's Worst-Named Tool

So, you know the class you need but you don't know what class library it's in. How do you add the right reference to your project? Object Browser will let you do it in two steps.

You can do that because "Object Browser" is patently misnamed -- to begin with, it displays classes, not objects. Just as obviously, it isn't just limited to classes (objects) but also displays namespaces, enums, structs, interfaces, and class members (e.g. events, properties, etc.).

If you know what class (or interface or enum or, even, member) you want, you can search for it in Object Browser using the search box at the top of Object Browser's window. Once you find what you're looking for, just click on the Add to References icon at the top of Object Browser to add a reference to the relevant library to whatever project you have selected in Solution Explorer.

So, it isn't just a browser, either.

Worst. Name. Ever.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 04/05/2018

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