Getting the Second Last Thing You Copied

You copy something in Visual Studio and, before you can paste it you realize that you need to copy something else. Or, worse, you copy something, forget what you're doing, copy something else, go to paste ... and realize that you've lost that first thing you wanted.

Good news! The Visual Studio clipboard actually remembers the last 20 things you cut or copied. To access that history, instead of pressing Ctrl_V to paste your item, just press Shift+Ctl+V. The first time you press that combination you'll paste the last thing you cut or copied; the second time you press it, you'll paste the second last thing you copied right over top of the first item; the third time you press it ... you get the picture.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 12/11/20140 comments

What's Important in Coding Conventions

I was having an e-mail exchange with a reader who commented that he was having trouble following my coding conventions. Among other issues, I seemed to arbitrarily capitalize variable names. I explained that, in these columns, I specifically varied my coding conventions from article to article, just to avoid looking like I'm endorsing any particular style (one of the reasons that I don't use C# in most of my columns is I'm a "every curly brace on its own line" kind of guy and I don't want to get into an argument about it).


Posted by Peter Vogel on 12/09/20140 comments

Finding Where a Method, Property, or Variable Is Used

I think everybody knows that if you click on a variable, method, or property name and press F12 (or select Go To Definition from the pop-up menu) you'll be taken to the method or property's code or to the variable's declaration. But sometimes you want to see the reverse: All the places where a property, method, or variable is being used -- and not everyone seems to know about that.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 12/04/20140 comments

Restricting Columns Retrieved in Entity Framework

A couple of months ago, I wrote a column on how to avoid downloading columns in a table that has hundreds of columns or columns containing large objects (or, at least, only downloading those columns when you want them). But that solution only makes sense when getting the columns you want is something that you'll be doing frequently.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 12/02/20140 comments

Retrieving Multiple RecordSets in a Single Trip to the Database

I know that I keep going on about this, but: The best way to speed up your application is to retrieve all the data you need on each trip to the database and make as few trips to your database as you can. One way to do that when retrieving rows is to retrieve multiple sets of rows on each trip.

This means that you can reduce trips to the database in a stored procedure, by returning multiple sets of rows from a single stored procedure with a single call. If you're using ADO.NET, you can combine multiple Select statements in your Command object's CommandText property (just make sure you put a semicolon between the statements):


Posted by Peter Vogel on 11/20/20140 comments

Passing Exception Information

In the bad old days, when an application threw an exception, we frequently extracted the system-generated message and put it on the screen for the user to read. Often it included information that we'd prefer not to share with the outside world (table names and details of the connection string, for instance).


Posted by Peter Vogel on 11/13/20140 comments

Best Tip. Ever: Change Your Visual Studio Development Default

When you installed Visual Studio, you picked a group of default settings, primarily driven by what language you intended to use (C#, Visual Basic, etc.).

The odds are that you'll never need to change those settings ... but it does happen. If, for example, your company changes from Visual Basic to C#, you'll find that all of your C# project templates are buried under Other Project Types.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 11/06/20140 comments

Simplify Your Code with TransactionScope

In an earlier column, I referenced using TransactionScope instead of the ADO.NET Transaction object. The problem with an ADO.NET Transaction object is that it must be associated with each ADO.NET Command object that's involved in the transaction. In addition, all of those Command objects must use the same Connection object. If those Command objects are spread over multiple methods, then you end up having to pass the Transaction object to each method. And, unless you've declared your Connection object globally (not a great idea), you'll also have to pass the Connection to those methods.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 11/03/20140 comments

Speed Up Apps by Doubling Up on Database Access

The slowest thing you can do in your application is read or write to your hard disk.

The second slowest thing you can do is issue a request to another computer. This means, of course, that whenever you access your database you're doing the two slowest things you can manage. Which means that one of the simplest things you can do to speed up your application is to reduce the number of trips you make to your database, even if you don't make any changes to the amount of data you update or retrieve.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 10/10/20140 comments

Files and Classes: Organize by Use

The default organization method Visual Studio uses when adding classes is to put each class in a separate file. That doesn't mean you should do the same thing. This is especially true in Visual Studio 2012, which combines Class View with the Solution Explorer standard File View (and adds a search capability on top of that).


Posted by Peter Vogel on 10/07/20140 comments

NimbleText: An Editor, Only Better

I've admitted it before: Regular expressions defeat me.

NimbleText gives me an editor and an "English-like" way of writing templates that will convert a list of data values into something more useful. Under the hood, it uses regular expressions to identify the data to change but I'm insulated from that. NimbleText isn't a Visual Studio add-in so you have to leave Visual Studio to use it, but even with that limitation NimbleText lets you do wonderful things.


Posted by Peter Vogel on 10/02/20140 comments

Return Types for Methods that Return Collections

In a tip from a couple of months ago, I suggested that if you have a method or property that returns a collection, then your method should return only one of three interfaces: IList, IQueryable or IEnumerable. (Returning an interface allows you to change the type of the collection used inside your method without breaking the clients that use your method.)


Posted by Peter Vogel on 09/23/20140 comments

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