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Related Articles From FTP

Read these related articles from the FTPOnline archives to get some additional background on SOA.

Related Articles From FTP
These articles from the FTPOnline archives will give you some additional background on SOA.

October 15, 2004

FTPOnline's SOA Special Report

FTPOnline's Operations Management Special Report

"SOA Design: Meeting in the Middle," by Boris Lublinsky (Java Pro, August 20, 2004)

"Beyond SOA: Principles of Service Engineering," by Mark M. Davydov (Java Pro, August 20, 2004)

"Troubleshoot Your SOA," by Robbie Clark (Java Pro, July 2, 2004)

"Avoid Dead-End SOAs," by Frank Martinez (Enterprise Architect, September 15, 2004)

"SOA: Debunking 3 Common Myths," by Tarak Modi (Enterprise Architect, September 1, 2004)

"The Critical Role of Shared Services in Enterprise SOAs," by Frank Martinez (Enterprise Architect, September 4, 2003)

"An SOA for the Federal Enterprise," by Rick Murphy (Enterprise Architect, Fall 2003)

"Don't Let SODA Ruin Your SOA," by Gordon Van Huizen (Enterprise Architect, Fall 2003)

"Standards for Service-Oriented Architecture," by Scott Dietzen (WebLogic Pro, May 24, 2004)

"SOA: Get it Right the First Time," by Peter Varhol (WebLogic Pro, May 24, 2004)

"Service-Oriented Everything: Now is the Time," by Daryl Plummer (WebLogic Pro, May 24, 2004)

"Meet SOA Development Challenges Head-On," by Edmund X. DeJesus (WebLogic Pro, May 24, 2004)

"Business Processes Made Simple with SOA," by David Hritz (WebLogic Pro, May 24, 2004)

"Service-Oriented Architecture: The End of Integration?" by Jason Bloomberg and Ron Schmelzer (WebLogic Pro, June 25, 2004)

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Written/compiled by the editors of Visual Studio Magazine.

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