How to Generate Code from a UML Model in Visual Studio 2010: Listing 1

Integrating T4 Templates

Shared template isolating the directives, imports and template directives into shared files, which simplifies entry templates. The included file becomes part of the same class as the calling template, and methods in the shared template can be private.

<#@templatedebug="false" hostspecific="true" language="C#" #>
<#@assemblyname="$(SolutionDir)\CommonCompiledDesignTimeSupport.dll" #>
<#@assemblyname="System.Core.dll" #>
<#@importnamespace="System.Linq" #>
<#@importnamespace="System.Collections.Generic" #>
<#@importnamespace="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Classes" #>
<#@importnamespace="CommonCompiledDesignTimeSupport" #>

privateModelHelper _helper;

privateModelHelper Helper
    if (_helper == null)
      var path = this.Host.ResolvePath("..");
      _helper = newModelHelper(path);
    return _helper;

{	returnHelper.ModelStore.AllInstances<IClass>(); }

{	returnclassOfInterest.OwnedAttributes; }

{ returnHelper.GetNamespacesForClasses();}

{ returnHelper.GetClassesForNamespace(nspace);}

// Etc.


About the Author

Kathleen is a consultant, author, trainer and speaker. She’s been a Microsoft MVP for 10 years and is an active member of the INETA Speaker’s Bureau where she receives high marks for her talks. She wrote "Code Generation in Microsoft .NET" (Apress) and often speaks at industry conferences and local user groups around the U.S. Kathleen is the founder and principal of GenDotNet and continues to research code generation and metadata as well as leveraging new technologies springing forth in .NET 3.5. Her passion is helping programmers be smarter in how they develop and consume the range of new technologies, but at the end of the day, she’s a coder writing applications just like you. Reach her at [email protected].

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