Introducing the Task-Based Asynchronous Pattern: Listing 1.

Looped Await Calls

async private void PingButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  List<string> urls = new List<string>()
  IPStatus status;
  Func<string, Task<IPStatus>> func = async (localUrl) =>
      Ping ping = new Ping();
      PingReply pingReply = await ping.SendTaskAsync(localUrl);
      return pingReply.Status;
  StatusLabel.Content = "Pinging...";
  foreach (string url in urls)
    status = await func(url);
    StatusLabel.Content = string.Format("{0}: {1} ({2})", 
      url, status.ToString(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);

About the Author

Mark Michaelis ( is the founder of IntelliTect and serves as the Chief Technical Architect and Trainer. Since 1996, he has been a Microsoft MVP for C#, Visual Studio Team System, and the Windows SDK and in 2007 he was recognized as a Microsoft Regional Director. He also serves on several Microsoft software design review teams, including C#, the Connected Systems Division, and VSTS. Mark speaks at developer conferences and has written numerous articles and books - Essential C# 5.0 is his most recent. Mark holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Illinois and a Masters in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology. When not bonding with his computer, Mark is busy with his family or training for another triathlon (having completed the Ironman in 2008). Mark lives in Spokane, Washington, with his wife Elisabeth and three children, Benjamin, Hanna and Abigail.

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