Multilevel Sorting with IComparable and IComparer: Listing 6.

A class with default and non-default sort orders.

public class City : IComparable<City>
  private string name;
  private double population;
  private string region;

  public City(string name, double population, string region) { . . }
  public override string ToString() { . . }
  public int CompareTo(City other) { . . }
  static int RegionCompare(string regionA, string regionB) { . . }
  static int RegionValue(string region) { . . }

  public class SortRoutines
    public class SortByNameAscending : IComparer<City> { . . }
    public class SortByNameDescending : IComparer<City> { . . }
    public class SortByPopulationName : IComparer<City> { . . }

About the Author

Dr. James McCaffrey works for Microsoft Research in Redmond, Wash. He has worked on several Microsoft products including Azure and Bing. James can be reached at [email protected].

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