Working with Parser Combinators: Listing 1.

Parsing a phone number.

public void ParseJustThreeNumbers()
  string result = threeNumberParser.Parse("123");
  Assert.AreEqual("123", result);
public void ParseJustThreeNumbersOutOfMore()
  string result = threeNumberParser.Parse("12345678");
  Assert.AreEqual("123", result);
public void FailToParseAThreeDigitNumberBecauseItIsTooShort(){
  var result = threeNumberParser.TryParse("10");
  Assert.IsTrue(result.ToString().StartsWith("Parsing failure"));

About the Author

Ted Neward is a programming language, virtual machine, and enterprise-scale architect. He has written a dozen books and hundreds of articles on .NET, Java, enterprise systems, mobile development, and programming languages. He resides in the Pacific Northwest, and can be found on the Internet at,, @tedneward on Twitter, and blogs at

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