More C++ Classes: Copy and Move Semantics: Listing 3
A binary tree with copy and move semantics.
// unbalanced_binary_tree.h
// uncomment this line to enable move semantics; comment it to disable it.
#include <memory>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
namespace unbalanced_binary_tree {
template <typename T>
class tree
// default constructor. Empty tree.
tree() : root_{ nullptr }
{ cout << "Creating empty tree (default constructor)." << endl; }
// this constructor makes a tree from an array of elements.
tree(const initializer_list<T> elements) : tree{}
cout << "Populating tree from initializer list (" << elements.size() << " elements)..." << endl;
for (auto element : elements)
*this << element;
// copy constructor.
tree(const tree<T>& other) : tree{}
cout << "Beginning tree copy-construction..." << endl;
// if the other tree isn't empty, it's copied from its root.
if (!other.is_empty()) root_.reset(new node{*(other.root_)});
// move constructor
tree(tree<T>&& other) : root_{ move(other.root_) }
{ cout << "Last tree constructed with move-constructor." << endl; }
// destructor.
~tree() { cout << "Deleting tree..." << endl; };
// copy assignment.
tree& operator=(const tree<T>& other)
cout << "Beginning tree copy-assignment..." << endl;
if (this == &other) return *this; // handle self-assignment
// if the tree at the left-side of the assignment isn't empty,
// it's cleared. Existing nodes are deleted.
if (!is_empty())
cout << "Clearing out previous content at left-side..." << endl;
// if the other tree isn't empty, it's copied from its root.
if (!other.is_empty()) root_.reset(new node{*(other.root_)});
return *this;
// move assignment
tree& operator=(tree<T>&& other)
cout << "Beginning tree move-assignment..." << endl;
// if the tree at the left-side of the assignment isn't empty,
// it's cleared. Existing nodes are deleted.
if (!is_empty())
cout << "Clearing out previous content at left-side..." << endl;
// if the other tree isn't empty, its root is moved.
if (!other.is_empty())
cout << "Moving root to the left-side." << endl;
root_ = move(other.root_);
return *this;
// pushes an element to the tree. At the root if empty
// Or in the left branch if less or equal than the root value. In the right branch otherwise.
friend tree& operator<<(tree& t, const T element)
// if the tree is empty, the root is just inaugurated.
if (t.is_empty()) t.root_.reset(new node{element});
// otherwise, the element is pushed from the root downward
else (t.root_)->push_back(element);
return t;
// true if the tree is not empty.
bool is_empty() const
{ if (root_) return false; else return true; }
// returns the tree elements in a vector. Order is undetermined.
vector<T> to_vector() const
vector<T> v;
if (!is_empty()) push_branch_to_vector(v, *root_);
return v;
// Type node as a nested class of tree
class node {
// there's no default constructor
// constructs a single node with the received value.
node(const T value) : node_value_{value}, left_branch_{nullptr}, right_branch_{nullptr}
{ cout << "Creating leaf(" << value << ")." << endl; }
// copy-constructor
node(const node& other) : node_value_{other.node_value_},
left_branch_{other.left_branch_ ? new node{*(other.left_branch_)} : nullptr},
right_branch_{other.right_branch_ ? new node{*(other.right_branch_)} : nullptr}
{ cout << "Node(" << node_value_ << ") copy-constructed." << endl; }
// destructor
~node() { cout << "Destroying node(" << node_value_ << ")." << endl; };
// no copy-assignment
node& operator=(const node& other) = delete;
T value() const
{ return node_value_; }
// pushes the received value to the left branch if less or equal than the node value. To the right branch otherwise.
node& push_back(const T value) {
if (value<=node_value_) {
// if the left branch is not empty, the value is recursively pushed into.
if (left_branch_) { left_branch_->push_back(value); }
// if empty, it just gets inaugurated.
cout << "At the left branch of node(" << node_value_ << "): ";
left_branch_.reset(new node{value});
} else {
// same comments about left_branch_ apply at the right one.
if (right_branch_) { right_branch_->push_back(value); }
cout << "At the right branch of node(" << node_value_ << "): ";
right_branch_.reset(new node{value});
return *this;
friend void push_branch_to_vector(vector<T>& v, const node& n)
if (n.left_branch_) push_branch_to_vector(v, *n.left_branch_);
if (n.right_branch_) push_branch_to_vector(v, *n.right_branch_);
T node_value_;
unique_ptr<node> left_branch_, right_branch_;
unique_ptr<node> root_;
// main.cpp
#include "unbalanced_binary_tree.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace unbalanced_binary_tree;
using namespace std;
tree<unsigned> make_word_size_tree(const tree<string>& word_tree) {
cout << "Inside function make_word_size_tree()..." << endl;
vector<string> words = word_tree.to_vector();
cout << "tree<unsigned> t; // local variable declaration" << endl;
tree<unsigned> t;
for (auto word : words)
t << word.size();
cout << "Leaving function make_word_size_tree(). Local tree<unsigned> t about to lose visibility..." << endl;
return t;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
cout << "tree<unsigned> integer_tree = { 1, 3, 5, 4 };" << endl;
tree<unsigned> integer_tree = { 1, 3, 5, 4 };
cout << endl << "tree<unsigned> it2 = integer_tree;" << endl;
tree<unsigned> it2 = integer_tree;
cout << endl << "tree<string> lincoln_tree;" << endl;
tree<string> lincoln_tree;
cout << "lincoln_tree << \"give\" << \"me\" << \"six\" << (...) << \"axe\";" << endl;
lincoln_tree << "give" << "me" << "six" << "hours"
<< "to" << "chop" << "down" << "a" << "tree"
<< "and" << "I" << "will" << "spend" << "the" << "first" << "four"
<< "sharpening" << "the" << "axe";
cout << endl << "integer_tree = make_word_size_tree(lincoln_tree);" << endl;
integer_tree = make_word_size_tree(lincoln_tree);
cout << endl << "it2 = integer_tree;" << endl;
it2 = integer_tree;
cout << endl << "Function main() finishing. Variables integer_tree, it2 and lincoln_tree about to lose visibility." << endl;
About the Author
Diego Dagum is a software architect and developer with more than 20 years of experience. He can be reached at [email protected].