
9 Reasons Why Team Foundation Version Control Is Not Dead

Microsoft's Brian Harry offers proof that TFVC is still alive and well.

With all this talk about Git, Microsoft's Brian Harry wrote a short blog to clear up some of the rumors behind the seeming death of Team Foundation Version Control. "TFVC is not only not dead, we are continuing to invest heavily and will continue to," he added.

Harry cites nine solid reasons that those who are using TFVC should expect to be able to use it for the long haul:

  1. Enable Web editing, check-in and other features in the Web version control UI
  2. Supports Wiki-like welcome pages
  3. Worked to support some CodeLens features from TFVC
  4. Support TFVC from Build.vNext
  5. Plans to support code search in TFVC
  6. Plans to support and improve code review ("iterative code reviews, a web experience, an improve VS experience with inline commenting")
  7. "We recently added support to Team Explorer Everywhere on Mac/Linux for longer than 260 character local paths in TFVC - a very common complaint."
  8. Core changes in Team Project Rename engine will fully support TFVC
  9. Team project interoperability between TFVC and Git is in the works.

Let Visual Studio Magazine know how you're using TFVC moving forward in the comments section below.

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You Tell 'Em, Readers: If you've read this far, know that Michael Domingo, Visual Studio Magazine Editor in Chief, is here to serve you, dear readers, and wants to get you the information you so richly deserve. What news, content, topics, issues do you want to see covered in Visual Studio Magazine? He's listening at [email protected].

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