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Updates: .NET Framework 4.7 and TypeScript 2.3 Now GA

.NET Framework 4.7 now supports Windows versions besides the Creators Update, and the TypeScript team gets cracking on new PRs for version 2.4.

Some quick updates on .NET Framework 4.7 and TypeScript 2.3, now that they're generally available.

The version of .NET Framework 4.7 that was made generally available today can now be deployed on other versions besides the Windows 10 Creators Update: Windows 10 Anniversary Update, Windows 8.1, and Windows 7 Service Pack 1. It also supported on Windows Server versions 2016, 2012 and 2012 R2, and 2008 Rs SP1.

In the RC version, we highlighted its support for Windows 10 High DPI, touch in WPF applications, and enhanced cryptography, but there are other notable improvements: C# 7 and VB 15 and .NET Standard 1.6. Detailed notes on these new features are contained in this update to a blog posted in early April.

TypeScript 2.3, which was previewed in RC form in early April, is also now generally available. Even with that version out, the TypeScript team is already working on version 2.4, which, according to a feature roadmap, will have improved tsconfig.json error reporting, covariant checking for callback parameters, and the ability for enum literal types to have string valued members.

Here are a handful of other links I've run across that might be useful to you, in no particular order and definitely not conforming to any particular theme:

Tim Anderson's ITWriting: Xamarin Challenge shows bumps in Microsoft's path to cross-platform mobile

Microsoft MVP Award Program Blog: Q&A: Lia Kampantai On Her Game-changing Surface Dial Project, And Why We Need Mentorship In Tech

{C.H}: A C# Developer's Guide to F#

Peter Foot: Migrating Wiki content from CodePlex to GitHub

Xamarin Blog: Welcome the New Xamarin MVPs!

Donovan Brown: How to git push from VSTS build

Stack Overflow: GCC fails to optimize aligned std::array like C array Beast 1.0.0-b35 is now available for code review on GitHub!

C# Corner: How To Get a Free Visual Studio/ Azure Subscription

Application Development Trends: IBM Open Sources Swift App Monitoring Tool, Adds Dashboard for Node.js

Redmond Magazine: Does Everyone Still Need Windows?

Know of an interesting link, or does your company have a new or updated product or service targeted at Visual Studio developers? Tell me about it at [email protected].

About the Author

Michael Domingo is a long-time software publishing veteran, having started up and managed several developer publications for the Clipper compiler, Microsoft Access, and Visual Basic. He's also managed IT pubs for 1105 Media, including Microsoft Certified Professional Magazine and Virtualization Review before landing his current gig as Visual Studio Magazine Editor in Chief. Besides his publishing life, he's a professional photographer, whose work can be found by Googling domingophoto.

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