
Syncfusion Essential Studio Adds Bevy of Blazor Controls

Syncfusion beefed up its Blazor offerings in the second major 2024 release of its third-party development tooling for Microsoft-centric developers.

The company is one of several vendors that Microsoft mentions in its documentation for Blazor, used to build web projects with C# instead of JavaScript. The others are Telerik, DevExpress, Radzen, Infragistics, GrapeCity and jQWidgets.

Syncfusion Essential Studio 2024 Volume 2 shipped this week with the usual array of new and improved controls for various platforms, with Blazor getting a lot of attention, including support for Microsoft's .NET 9 previews. Blazor also received a new Fluent 2 theme and three new components including:

  • 3D Charts: Graphically represent data in more depth, showcasing relationships and trends among variables.
    Blazor 3D Chart in Animated Action
    [Click on image for larger, animated GIF view.] Blazor 3D Chart in Animated Action (source: Syncfusion).
  • OTP Input: Enter one-time passwords with this input component during multifactor authentication processes.
  • TextArea: Input multiple lines of text within a designated area -- ideal for comments and messages.

Other Blazor components were also updated, including the Timeline, Image Editor and PDF Viewer.

The Blazor updates were a small part of the new release, as Essential Studio includes more than 1,800 components and frameworks for WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET (MVC, Core), UWP, WinUI, Xamarin, Flutter, JavaScript, Angular, Vue, React and .NET MAUI.

The latter is Microsoft's evolution of Xamarin.Forms, which adds support to create Windows and macOS desktop apps in addition to iOS and Android mobile apps.

"The 2024 Volume 2 release provides a new Digital Gauge control for .NET MAUI in preview," Syncfusion said in a news release. "The Digital Gauge is a data visualization component that displays alphanumeric characters in segmented or dot-matrix formats, like an LED clock.

"The Chat, Parallax View, Polar Charts, Radial Menu, Rotator, Step Progress Bar, and TreeMap controls have all been developed to industry standards and are production-ready. Among the suite's many new features, the Cartesian Charts component receives smart axis labels and custom legend layouts."

Everything new for the tooling suite is explained in detail in the company's What's New site and an announcement blog post.

About the Author

David Ramel is an editor and writer for Converge360.

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